Professional Communications Chapter 4 Review Professional Communications Chapter 4
Review What is articulate? When spoken words are in a clear manner, if the intended message is to be received What is active listening? Is the participation in a conversation with another by means of repeating words and phrases or giving approving or disapproving nods What is perception? Being aware of one’s own feelings and the feelings of others Is it possible to contradict a verbal message by an inappropriate facial expression? Yes Why is it important that you speak to all patients directly? To acknowledge their presence(hearing impaired, language barrier ect…)
Review What shows that you are interested in giving and receiving messages of mutual concern and interest? Eye contact What are some negative gestures? Crossed arms, looking at ones watch, rolling of eyes, taping of the foot or fingers, sighing, and talking under ones breath Why is it important to identify a patient's nonverbal messages (Ex: saying their ok but making a painful facial expression or looking away)? May be cause by an underlying problem that needs to be addressed
Review What is repression? Is the forcing of unacceptable, or painful ideas, feelings, and impulses into the unconscious mind without being aware of it What is projection? You unconsciously blame another person for your own inadequacies What is rationalization? When you justify behavior with socially acceptable reasons and tend to ignore the real reasons underlying the behavior
Review What is temporary withdrawal? A defense mechanism that is retreat from facing a painful or difficult situation maybe watching TV or reading excessively What is a malinger? Someone who deliberately pretend to be sick to avoid dealing with situations that are unpleasant or cause anxiety
Review What is the refusal to admit or acknowledge something so that you do not have to deal with a problem or situation? Denial What is procrastination? “Always putting off until tomorrow what you could do today.” The choice of treatment is always the right of whom? The patient (always)
Review This is the stage of terminal illness when a patient really need to talk to someone(sadness) Depression What is hospice Provides health care to those with a terminal illness
Review What are the 5 stages for patients with a terminal illness? Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance