3rd Grade Lesson 3 Spelling Words Long a and Long e Patterns
Long a and Long e Patterns When I see a part of a word that has a ai or ay, I know it sounds like the letter a when it says its name. When I see ee or ea, I know it sounds like the letter e when it says its name. For example: hay - bee -
tea Some people like to drink tea.
real Which one of these cars is real, and which one is a toy?
leave It can be hard when someone you love has to leave.
dream His dream is to play professional football when he grows up. The boy had a dream about the presents he would get the next day.
treat Rice Krispie cupcakes would be a yummy treat to bring to class on your birthday!
seem It might seem like this dog is asleep, but he is really watching everything around him!
speed Cheetahs are known for their fast speed.
sweet This kind of food is very sweet because it has a lot of sugar. When animals do something really cute, people might say, “How sweet!”
screen The screen of your TV is the part you look at to watch shows. A window screen keeps bugs out when you have your window open.
lay I went to lay my sister down for a nap before I did my homework.
today Today is the day it is right now.
trail When you go on a hike, you should always stay on the trail so you don’t get lost or hurt.
bait Bait is something you put on your fishing hook to help you catch a fish.
afraid What is this baby so afraid of?