Module one will show you a video of a multiple patient incident Module one will show you a video of a multiple patient incident. Start to think about how you manage this type of an incident. Module 1: Introduction
Great White was playing Video from cameraman from local CBS TV (WPRI-TV Channel 12) 100 Fatalities---4th deadliest nightclub fire in US history 1942 Coconut Grove - 492 fatalities 1940 Rhythm Club - 207 fatalities 1977 Beverly Hills Supper Club - 165 fatalities 2003 The Station - 100 fatalities 1990 Happy Land Social Club - 87 fatalities The Rhode Island Station Night Club Fire was the 4th deadliest nightclub fire in US history. The band Great White was playing. A video cameraman from a local station just happened to be there filming. There were 100 fatalities.
If you haven’t already done so, watch the video While watching, consider the following: If you were first arriving unit, what would be your on-scene report? What resources would you request? The previous slide shows you how many died at this incident. What it doesn’t show you is the number of viable patients at the scene. Watch the video which is in the folder for this module and consider the following: If you were the first arriving unit on the scene, what would be your report? What resources would you initially request?
How many people would it take to manage this incident? Why? How many people does it take to manage this type of a scene? Discuss why.
After watching the video: Would you change your on-scene report? What could you have done to improve it? What additional suppression alarm(s) did you request? Did you request any resources for the EMS Branch? After watching the video – would you change your on-scene report from what you initially said? How would you improve your report? What additional suppression alarms did you request? Did you request any resources for the EMS Branch?
432 Occupant Load (permitted for 404) 100 Fatalities 186 Treated/Transported 432 Occupant Load (permitted for 404) There were 100 fatalities and 186 treated/transported. The place was permitted for 404 people inside. There were 432 present.
What are your priorities for this incident? Majority of deaths occurred prior to first firefighters arriving on-scene. What are your priorities for this incident? Life safety over property conservation. While watching the video you may have noticed that the first time you heard sirens was 4.5 minutes after the initial fire was observed. The majority of deaths occurred prior to the first arriving firefighters. What are your priorities – Life safety over property conservation. Notice all the water being placed on the structure.
How many responders are needed to mitigate this scene?
There were 575 responders on this scene. In comparison, Fairfax Fire/EMS has approx. 415 operational personnel per shift. How would an incident affect your agency’s ability to respond to such a scene and still cover your other calls?
Think of this video as you continue with the MCI Manual training modules
The End