Major Topics of Comparative Government and Politics Big Ben, London, England Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker 2009
Major Topics Democratization Liberalization of the Economy Revival of Ethnic or Cultural Politics Globalization Beijing, China Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker 2009
Democratization Liberal Democracies: Competitive Elections (open, free, and fair) Ensure Civil Liberties Maintain a Rule of Law An open civil society Civilian Control of the Military Neutrality of the Judiciary Photo Copyright:
Democratization Illiberal Democracies are missing: Civil Liberties Rule of Law An Open Civil Society Civilian Control of the Military Neutrality of the Judiciary Illiberal democracies will often have open, free, and fair elections Photo Copyright: Photo Copyright:
Democratization Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations Three waves of Democratization: First Wave: Developed gradually Second Wave: Developed after WWII-1960’s (De-colonization) Third Wave: 1960’s to the present (Fall of the Berlin Wall) Photo Copyright:
Democratization Several Factors for Democratization (Huntington): Emphasis on Human Rights Loss of Legitimacy from authoritarian regimes Expansion of an urban middle class Snowball Effect: When one country in a region becomes democratic, others will follow Greatest Obstacle to Democratization? Poverty Xi’an, China Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker 2009
Liberalization of the Economy 3 types of Economies: Command Economies: Centralized planning/ state ownership Pure Market Economy: Individuals own the factors of production Mixed Economy: A combination of economies which allows some control by the government Market in Beijing, China Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker 2009
Liberalization of the Economy Characteristics: Moves away from strong regulation, state ownership, and central planning Privatization occurs Social justice compromised Anshun, China Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker 2009
Revival of Ethnic or Cultural Politics Huntington: Conflicts based on culture, not economic or ideological West Orthodox World (Russia) Islamic Countries Mosque, Xi’an, China Latin America Africa The Hindu World The Confucian World The Buddhist World Japan Buddhist Temple, Beijing, China Photo’s Copyright: Kelly Walker 2009
Revival of Ethnic or Cultural Politics Fragmentation: Divisions based on ethnic or cultural identity Nationalism: identities based on nationhood Politicization of Religion Yunshantun, Bazhai Village, China Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker, 2009
Globalization “Catch phrase” How International Economic Social Cultural Technological forces affect events inside individual nations (Causation) Photo Copyright:
Globalization The big question? How will the process of globalization promote a worldwide diffusion of opportunity equitably? Photo Copyright:
Globalization Fosters: new applications of information technology (internet) Erodes the boundaries between local and global (cultures change) Instantaneous communication. (links producers, consumers, etc.) New forms of international governance Photo Copyright:
Globalization Problems: Many nations cannot “compete” Dangers to the environment Pandemics Job Insecurity Countries may no longer control their destinies Beijing International Airport Photo Copyright: Kelly walker, 2009
Major Topics for Comparative Government and Politics Last Slide Beijing, China Photo Copyright: Kelly Walker, 2009