Term Project Proposal Feedback from Advisors 26 March 2015
Bioretention (Dr Michael Barrett) Team 1: I would discourage them from pursuing the green roof options they identified, because it’s hard to see any hydraulic design component. I’m also having a hard time visualizing where you could put a swale either on Dean Keaton opposite RLM or between RLM and ECJ. Consequently, I would encourage them to focus on the bioretention/parking lot option. Lots of design opportunities there in calculating capture volumes, pollutant reduction, complexity of either daylighting the underdrains (if included in the design) or routing them to existing storm drains.
Porous Pavement (Dr Amit Bhasin) This is more along the lines of a problem at a smaller length scale and requires understanding of elements associated with fluid flow through porous media. For example, one exercise would be to understand the relationship between size and distribution of interconnected voids to permeability of the material and design a pavement material and layer so it can transport all the water in the worst weather condition.