Research Proposal Student Name Advisor(s) *You will have 12 minutes to present and 3 minutes of questions Project Title Research Proposal Student Name Advisor(s)
Introduction (3-5 slides) Give a background on the general topic of study Curate the information that is RELEVANT to your project Do not overload slides with text We recommend starting broad and narrowing it down your specific research question.
Research Question - 1 slide In a very clear and concise manner state what is the question you will be addressing in your study State your hypothsis(es)
Research Strategy/ Materials & Methods (max 3 slides) How are you or will you try to address your research question? Go into enough detail that one can understand the methodology, but no need for detailed protocols
Preliminary Results or Anticipated Results Preliminary results are encourage but not absolutely necessary If you have preliminary results (photos, graphs, charts, etc..) make sure they are legible and that you can explain how they contribute to answering your research question At the end summarize your findings If you do not have results yet, that’s ok. You can explain what you anticipate.
Conclusion (1 slide) Why is your research project important? What are potential future directions?