Warm Up # 26 Based on the map below what do you think is the cause of countries choosing communism or capitalism after World War II.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up # 26 Based on the map below what do you think is the cause of countries choosing communism or capitalism after World War II

World War II Map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOVEy1tC7nk &t=175s Start at 4:45

Tensions Rising 1945-1949 Pg. # 14

Tensions Rising Essential Question: What actions were taken by each side to increase tensions from 1945-1949?

Iron Curtain Descends Phrase from a Churchill speech Refers to the division of Communist controlled Eastern Europe and Capitalist Western Europe

Domino Theory Communism is spreading rapidly. Domino Theory: Idea that if one nation falls to communism, so will its neighbor, and so on.

Truman Doctrine U.S. would: Not attack existing communist governments Provide aide to any democratic government seeking to defend itself from communism Policy of “containment” Called for large military in peace time Led to the formation of the CIA

The Marshall Plan EUR countries that promised free elections would be rebuilt by the U.S. U.S. spends 12.5 billion

Berlin Blockade Capitalist W. Berlin irritated Soviets 1948: Stalin cuts off supply lines through E. Germany U.S. did not want to trigger war through breaking blockade.

Berlin Airlift Allies complete thousands of supply flights to West Berlin. Stalin did not want to start war, so he did not shoot planes 1949 – Re-opens supply lines World realizes there is a big conflict coming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YyXGDLZ250

The “Atomic Age” 1949: Soviet Union successfully detonates 1st Atomic Bomb

Alliances Form on Paper 1949: US joins anti- Soviet alliance NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1955 Soviets form Warsaw Pact

Crash Course: The Cold War (Stop at 9:27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9HjvHZfCUI

Revisit Your Notes 1. Circle “Key Terms” 2. Highlight “Main Ideas” Word you cannot tell the story without 2. Highlight “Main Ideas” Information that answers the “EQ” 3. Ask Questions (Broad Questions) Each question should apply to a large “chunk” of information. Example: How did the crisis in Berlin reflect the conflict of the Cold War?