Psat USNA-0601 ParkinsonSAT Remote Data Relay (Psat) or DOD Space Experiments Review Board (SERB) Oct 2008 or Psat Bob Bruninga Midn Cory Ridge US Naval Academy Satellite Lab 410-293-6417 Sponsor: ONR , Aerospace Corp Ocean Buoys w/ RF Terminals Title Name of ParkinsonSAT is in honor of Dr Parkinson of GPS fame and a USNA grad Briefed before as a 1 cubic foot freeflyer or an attached payload TRANSITION: This year our objective is to re-design for a CUBESAT launch GROUND STATION Data Exfiltration UNCLASS
Cubesat Design Works Too! Psat USNA-0601 2008 ParkinsonSAT CUBESAT Cubesat Design Works Too! 7” This then is our 2008 Cubesat approach using a pair of 1.5 unit cubesats with deployable solar panels. Most of our original primary mission objectives can still be met but we can now only support small SERB payloads. Our COTS solar arrays cost $360 compared to about $25,000 from a commercial “cubesat” vendor. Same 5W transponders (2) Same sun pointing ADCS Other SERB Payloads All COTS solar panels reduced $360 / ($25,000) Vandegriff 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Aux Payload Space Available! Psat USNA-0601 2008 ParkinsonSAT CUBESAT Aux Payload Space Available! 7” The mechanical design allows for the clean integration of up to 39 cubic inches of auxilliary payload inserted with little integration from the bottom. The Payload has access to the bottom external surface of up to 16 square inches on the anti-Sun face. The only restriction is the ¼ inch donut hole through the middle for our antenna mechanism (TBD) Batteries are mounted on the circumference for best moment of intertia about the Z spin axis- and closest to the sun end to minimize the other moments for better stability. 39 for Aux Payload(s) Dark side 4” square surface .5 kg – self contained 1W average power Donut hole (1/4”) for antenna Vandegriff 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Psat (USNA-0601) Experiment Concept ! Objective: Education of the future Navy Space Cadre… Transponder for low cost data exfiltration. Low cost COTS Solar Panels for Responsive Space Low Cost Cubesat Launch and bus system Small AUX Payload space for small SERB experiments Description: Free-Flyer /Piggyback VHF Data Transponder Remote Data Relay w Global Internet Gateways Draw from education experimenters Scaleability and Constellation 9 dB link advantage to UHF Using low cost COTS Bus support for other Serb Payloads ODTML UHF transponder UHF RFI Mitigation MIDN Radiation Sensor (usna) Dragon particle detector (usna) Objectives *** Description *** then global internet volunteer ground stations (as shown here…) Complementary Experiments… provides continuity…to users… using the…. And… low cost systems. Previous Priority Previous Priority: 48 of 51 DoD 30 of 30 DoN Complementary Experiments: Provides continuity to xponders of PCSATs, ANDE, RAFT, GO-32etc Common AX.25 protocol at 1200/ 9600 baud Off the shelf $500 RF systems exist and space proven. $30 solar panels 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
CUBESAT Deployment Psat USNA-0601 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB NEW: The pair of cubesats gives us dual-redundant mission and greater connectivity. First one is deployed “upside down” so that the solar panel deployment force adds to the separation force. Second one deploys “right-side-up” but array deployment retards velocity for better separation. Midn Ridge 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Psat (USNA-0601) Technology & Development ! Major Instrument or Equipment: Psat VHF transponder for data exfiltration Educational “Force Tracking” Bus support for other small SERB experiments Instrument or Equipment Operation: Dual uplink TDMA data receivers Aloha, Slotted Aloha, and file store/forward Low cost COTS solar panels for responsive space Low cost CUBESAT for multiple opportunities Sun pointing for lower cost solar power system Low cost attitude control +/- 40 degree requirement Experiment Funding: 1st two Paragraphs and bullets in order… then Funding is very small by space standards, but is on the same order as 5 of our previous successful missions. All hardware is COTS and space proven via some of our previous spacecraft Hardware Status: All technologies are mature and off the shelf Have space heritage (PCSAT, ANDE, RAFT) PDR: Fall 2008 Flight Ready: Fall 2009 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Psat (USNA-0601) Military Relevance ! Military Needs: Education and experience for future naval officers in the space cadre DOD Schools: Service Academies (4) Graduate Institutions (3) ROTC Units (550 Schools) DOD Comms Cadre: Civil Air Patrol (1800 units) Military Affiliate Radio Stations (8000) US Coast Guard Auxiliaries (33,000) Data Exfiltration and service to low power/low-priority users Tactical situational awareness and constellation support COTS testing for Responsive Space & other small SERB experiments Ocean Buoys w/ RF Terminals GROUND STATION Documentation: USSpaceCom Long Range Plan, p77-79 – education- space cadre NDAA (P.L. 104-201) Directs …Ocean Research and Sciences CNA study (June 04) identifies data exfiltration requirement Military needs …. Education of students at these schools and other DOD members of the comms cadre… Then the next three bullets . . . Documentation: The need for Education of the space Cadre and for the data exfiltration mission are well documented. USNA has not only has the satellite capability, the ground station, but also the mobile platforms for many experiments 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Psat (USNA-0601) Flight Requirements ! Need for Spaceflight: Medium is the message Future Officer Aerospace Education – space cadre Remote Data Relay requires Comms orbit. Space Performance of COTS required Space environment needed for aux payloads Requested STP Services Launch Services Launch Integration Our requirement is for access to space… the medium is the message *** We are requesting STP launch and integration services (Space Test Program) We will take just about any free flyer or piggyback orbit that will give us a reasonable comms altitude and at least 5 year life that we can see from USNA (inclination from 20 to 98 degrees). For this free-flyer, an ISS ride is not desired. Experiment / Flight Data: Free-Flyer or Piggy-back or cubesat Apogee/Perigee: 400 to 800 km (>5 yr life) Inclination: 20 to 98 deg (lower, if higher) Physical Data: .02 m3, 20 kg, nominal 20 W Shuttle/ISS Required: [No]: Acceptable: [No?] Experiment Retrieval Required: [No] Repetitive/incremental step flights: [No] 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Psat (USNA-0601) Technology Transition/Data Application Plan ! Psat (USNA-0601) Technology Transition/Data Application Plan Data Application Plan Data from all experiments available live via Internet from global ground stations AX.25 Data/formats handled transparently by Satellite and Global Infrastructure New-User, New Experiment, New Data transparently accommodated instantly. Global infrastructure tied into Google maps and satellite images Global infrastructure has existing WEB telemetry displays built-in. Our downlink will be available to all experimenters and schools via our global network of volunteer ground stations. Any other experimenters may use our transponder for their own formats and data requirements So long as they use the AX.25 protocol 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Sensor Buoy Baseline (prototype) Psat USNA-0601 Sensor Buoy Baseline (prototype) 2006 2 8 We have established the baseline for our systems both on the ground and in space. The electronics in our 2006 prototype buoy… was reduced this summer by nearly a factor of 50 in volume in a new design shown here. We hope to make similar reductions in Psat’s comms and data hardware to transition to a CUBESAT design See Buoy Location and Telemetry at Piggrem 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Buoy Network Baseline Psat USNA-0601 PCSAT validates our links PCSAT2 User Plot 18 Apr 06 We have demonstrated our link performance and global connectivity with our previous SERB satellites This is a one day snapshot on 18 april 2006 of PCSAT2 users worldwide. 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB Vandegriff
Buoy Link Verification Test Psat USNA-0601 Buoy Link Verification Test In 2006 we took advantage of our PCSAT1 free flyer and PCSAT2 (ISS) to give us a constellation of two, yielding as many as 11 hits per day from our prototype buoy. Notice that the hits per day from the free flyer were higher than from the ISS (interference issues?) You will also notice that PCSAT-1 went back into hybernation on the 24th which significanly cut our success rate. 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
#A #B cubesat Psat USNA-0601 aux payloads 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB Appologize for the complexity of this slide, but the two redundant (A and B) transponders (with 2 rx and 1 TX each) can be seen here. We can add to them the aux payloads circled in green. Or we can trim it down to just a single RX, TNC, TX to fit in a cubesat and still meet most of the primary objectives aux payloads 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Sun Pointing Attitude Control System Psat USNA-0601 Sun Pointing Attitude Control System Pointing requirements are relaxed +/- 40 deg High precision attitude control not required Cubesat 4.5W (9W TJE) 1.5W ODTML on (18W) The image here is of our $50 COTS three axis magnetometer (good to 1 degree or better) The plot shows how we can wobble as much as +/- 40 degrees and still have 85% of peak power With the full size Psat we can support ODTML when sun pointing and survive even if upside down In a sun pointing cubesat with deployed panels we can still operate the Xponder at full power (without ODTML) And we can operate in safe mode if upside down with at least 1.5W of safe power. ODTML off (4.5 W) SAFE mode Paquette 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
P-sat Sun Pointing Test USNA-0601 P-sat Sun Pointing Test $9000 2008: Sun Pointing Design Works! Full capacity transponders ODTML Transponder Other SERB Payloads ADCS advantage Further qualification of COTS solar panels for responsive space $100 As briefed last year, we would use space rated cells on our +Z axis and keep it sun pointing, but cover the rest of the satellite with our COTS PCSAT style solar panels for only 2% of the cost. The bottom graphic shows our telemetry and display system of the spacecraft attitude control system And a mat lab simulation showing sun pointing stability within an orbit or so ADCS Demo’ed Vandegriff 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Psat USNA-0601 Questions? 1G - 1 Axis Test/Demo 2001-2007 2008 So, while waiting for a launch opportunity, we have made progress towards ParkinsonSAT Beginning with 3 of our previous VHF transponder satellites to our first buoy in 2006, our ADCS demo in 2007 and now our 2008 microminiaturized buoy and our transition to our CUBESAT design. Questions? 2007 2006 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
BACKUP SLIDES Backups 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
P-SAT (USNA-0601) Intro and Background Psat transponder can draw from thousands of experimenters for large scale experiments. A larger spacecraft can support other small SERB experiments. Multiple transponders on smaller picosats can form a constellation for greater coverage and reduced latency. 1st bullet… then … this map shows the number of USA users and experimenters of our AX.25 data channel that are available to us… this is the terrestrial network, but any of these users can switch to our uplink with a click turn of their frequency knob. 2nd bullet… 3rd bullet… The Mars Society is an arctic outpost that has a WX station that uplinks to our system Not only the sensors and users exist, but the global Internet collection and distribution system also exists from PCSAT1 & 2. 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Other Possible SERB experiments? Psat USNA-0601 Other Possible SERB experiments? 1cuft (spacecraft) UHF RFI Mitigation MIDN - Micro Dosemeter Radiation Detector array comparable to human cell dimensions Still possible Dragon Particle Impact Detector Some examples of other SERB payloads that we can support are… MIDN and DRAGON are other USNA payloads simplified 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Full Size Psat Separation Device USNA-0601 NEA Separation Device The full size Psat would use a simple separation system based on a single NEA separation bolt. Simple / Proven 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Fullsize Psat Internal Structure USNA-0601 Internal Bulkhead 4 Payload Bays NEA Location Battery Cells This is the original structural design of the full size Psat which contains four payload bays. Our dual transponders and other USNA payloads would take two of the bays And the other two are available for other SERB experiments Solar Panel Structural and Thermal balance 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Prototype Buoy Data This data is LIVE Psat USNA-0601 Google for “USNA Buoy” Select USNA-1 Buoy-4 came “home” This data is LIVE Since all the data is distributed via the internet it is seamlessly integrated with google maps and satellite views. On the left was the plot from out 2006 buoy experiment and on the right is the final position of Bouy4 this summer. It was deployed a mile up river, but came to rest *under the office* of the Oceanography tech that deployed it! 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB
Prototype Buoy Data Psat USNA-0601 Google for “USNA Buoy” Select USNA-1 (or Buoy4) Due the popularity of our global volunteer data network, existing applications have been written to automatically scale and plot data using any browser. The academic environment is conducive to a lot of free labor and contributing effort. 11/11/2018 2008 DOD SERB