AN APP THAT CAN HELP TRANSFORM SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES GOVERNANCE WHY ABALOBI? Work with students and fishers mainly to develop the app Make use of various monitoring programs to inform development Working with fishers - their requests AN APP THAT CAN HELP TRANSFORM SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES GOVERNANCE “from hook to cook”
What is ABALOBI? How many people have smart phones? Who knows what an app is? How many of you have ever used an app? What is ABALOBI?
What is ABALOBI? isiXhosa for ‘fisher’ An integrated catch management system for SSF - one-stop shop ABALOBI is an app & process Free, at no cost to SSFs Using low-cost smartphones Fishers/users own the data Different to many citizen science projects What is ABALOBI?
Fisher rights are paramount, but we need all capacity and tools we can use Past systems: blue books and monitors: problems and feedback? Knowledge for co-management: trust & legitimacy in information SSF Policy implementation tool: local specifics & needs Safety-at-sea Empowerment in market LEK, changes in the environment, etc. Practical and more deep rooted problems What is in the basket, turf, who fishers, etc Talk about market – loan-servitude, etc Importance of LEK in data limited context Why?
How is ABALOBI different? Concept & development are fisher-driven Fishers own data Instant feedback Proudly SSF Proudly SA Open access source code How is ABALOBI different?
Data recording & reporting
Adapted from Venturelli et al Who fishers- record for family and for government, what is caught, how much, where, when Knowledge base towards defining the size of the pie At local level ‘manage the species histogram- stock rebuilding Adapted from Venturelli et al
ABALOBI’s Phase of Operations A stepped-approach using ICT4D towards sustainable livelihoods Co-design, co-ownership and ongoing engagement Building an inclusive ‘Eco’system Organic SMME/ CO-OP Development Value chain upgrading Morphing into cashless, enabled through fintech services Empowerment in market through financial inclusion, product brand Tech: beyond platform into interoperability Climate smart livelihoods Fully traceable fisheries LOGBOOK & Co-production of knowledge Economic literacy, financial training, savings Collective action, collective accounting Stock offer building Improved capacity to take risks and coping mechanism Stimulates the formation of community & restaurant supported fisheries Social indicators & SASSI Open data fisheries Opportunity for complex fisheries supply chains People choose to participate in structured process LOCAL KNOWLEDGE stimulating social capital VOICE/ bona fide status Safety at Sea Towards more sustainable livelihoods and services for small-scale fisheries Towards legitimate knowledge base and transformative governance Towards traceable, transparent, benchmarked fisheries
# incentives Legitimize livelihoods
Fishers have a voice in science and fisheries management Fishermen and women can be more empowered in the market Fishers can play their stewardship role of our marine resource (aggregated trends) Consumers can access ‘fish with a story’ Abalobi is a multi-actor collaboration & impact model based on measurable results ABALOBI as catalyst for community wellbeing and LED Summary vision
Fishers have a voice in science and fisheries management Fishermen and women can be more empowered in the market Fishers can play their stewardship role of our marine resource (aggregated trends) Consumers can access ‘fish with a story’ Abalobi is a multi-actor collaboration & impact model based on measurable results ABALOBI as catalyst for community wellbeing and LED Summary vision
Facebook: App: abalobi_app Web: Facebook: App: abalobi_app Key principles PHONES