What Do I Need To Know? What support is in place for my child’s transition? How is the curriculum organised? How will I know if my child is on target or otherwise? What are the school’s daily expectations? What are the extra curricular options? Who do I contact in school?
Student Support Team School Nurse Form Tutor School Counsellor Peer Mentors Learning Co-ordinator Form Tutor School Counsellor School Nurse Learning Support 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
Quality, Care, Integrity Accessing Support Form tutor Learning Coordinator Subject teachers Heads of Subject Assistant Headteachers Deputy Headteacher Headteacher 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
What is my child studying in Year 9? Core English Maths Science 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
What is my child studying in Year 9? Foundation Physical Education Religious Education Languages Music Art History Geography Computing Design Technology 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
How will I know if my child is progressing ? 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
School marking policy Marked tasks will be awarded a SUCCESS and a TARGET.
Success This will indicate what went well, whether objective was met, indication of whether progress was made.
Target Tip ; Think ; Challenge.
Quality, Care, Integrity Progress Pen Students encouraged to use the Progress Pen to highlight/annotate areas of work where they have ACTED upon a TARGET and made changes in their own learning. Opportunity for student reflection to be planned into lessons/tasks. 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
In 2017 these new grades will be used for English and Maths – it will be used for other subjects in subsequent years as they complete their first new GCSE curriculums.
In 2017 colleges will accept Grade 4 as the benchmark measure, but this is expected to rise to Grade 5 in subsequent years.
Assessment information As printed in the booklet on Page 1 Information Date Grade Card 1 November 2st 2016 Parents’ Evening December 1st 2016 Exams December 5th 2016 Options Evening February 1st 2017 Grade Card 3 June 20th 2017 11/11/2018 Quality, Care, Integrity
What are the arrangement for Options?
Year 8 Transition to Yr 7 Primary School
Core Subjects English Maths Science PE Computing RE
Optional Subjects Visual Arts Humanities - Art; General -Geography - Art ; Photography -History - Art ; Textiles -RE - Art ; Graphics -Psychology Technology Performance - Food Technology -Dance - Resistant Materials -Drama -Music Languages Additional - French -Business -Spanish -Computing -PE 3 choices per child
Maximising performance and options for post 16 Balanced choice Maximising performance and options for post 16
Choose based upon ‘favourite’ Consider your future path. DON’T Copy your friends! DO Check your Attainment Levels. DON’T Choose based upon ‘favourite’ teacher! DO Choose a subject you enjoy. DON’T Ignore advice! DO Consider your future path.
Options Options Information Evening ; Thursday 2nd February 2017 General input and opportunity to speak with all subject leaders. Individual support and guidance for each student as required. DEADLINE for Options returns – Thursday 16th February 2017.