Singular Subjects Yo - I Tú - You (informal, singular) Él - He Ella -She Usted (Ud.) - You (formal, singular) Ch. 1 - Ser Present Tense
Plural Subjects Nosotros - We Vosotros - You all (informal, Spain) Ellos - They (masculine) Ellas - They (feminine) Ustedes (Uds.) - You all (formal) Ch. 1 - Ser Present Tense
-_______________ -________________________ Ser - To be Yo Soy -_______________ -________________________ (I am) Tú Eres (You are) Él/ella/usted Es (He/she is, you are) Ch. 1 - Ser Present Tense
Ser - To be Nosotros Somos Vosotros Sois Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Son -____________________________ -___________________________ -__________________________________ (We are) Vosotros Sois (You all are) Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Son (They/they/you all are) Ch. 1 - Ser Present Tense