Pre-classic 1000 BC – 250 AD Classic 300 AD -1527 AD Maya Pre-classic 1000 BC – 250 AD Classic 300 AD -1527 AD
“ Even today, life in the tropical rain forest of Middle America is an unending struggle for survival. So how was it that a flourishing civilization was created there by a race of Stone Age men? Without the wheel and with no metal the Mayas built great cities, developed a brilliant artistic culture and evolved a system of mathematics the equal of any in the world. Who were these mysterious people whose classic civilization collapsed before Columbus discovered America, but whose works still arouse the wonder of modern man?”
Location Mesoamerica Mexico Central America
Video Overview Maya creation Myth Maya's Got it Done Overview
Maya Government Known as the Jaguar People The Maya were NOT considered an empire - Its people were not united politically. Maya civilization was made up of city-states. - Many important cities (Chichen Itza, Tikal, Copan, and Palenque), but no single capital. Each city-state had its own ruler and followed a caste system - King, Nobles, Priests, Warriors, Craftworkers and Merchants, farmers, then Slaves Large headdress for importance Kings passed down their position to their sons Chichen Itza Uxmal
Maya Class System
Maya Economy The Maya did not use "money" in the modern sense. Economy was based primarily on trade and agriculture. The Maya participated in long distance trade with many of the Mesoamerican cultures. Maya farmers transported their cocoa beans to market by canoe or in large baskets strapped to their backs. Wealthy merchants traveled further, employing porters, as there were no horses, pack animals or wheeled carts in Central America at that time. Jade Cacau Tree
Maya Education The ancient Mayan education was taught differently. They only taught education to higher people like Priests, chiefs, leaders, and war leaders. Lower people still got education from their family, friends, and generations. They taught the younger ones what they ever learned throughout their lives. Several values were stressed to Maya children. They not only desired for a strong work ethic , but working for the betterment of the community was necessary.
Maya Daily Life/Agriculture Men Farmers: Used slash and burn techniques to grow maze (corn) was the main staple of a Mayan diet. Other crops included beans, squash, avocado pear, avocado, sweet potato, guava, chili peppers, cocoa beans, vanilla beans, papaya and tomatoes. Hunters: Hunt for deer, turkey, duck, armadillo, quail, monkey, and iguana. Would use bow and arrows, spears, blowguns, darts, and snares. Fisherman Women Wife: Took care of the home, cooked, did the washing, raised the children. Weavers: Made the textiles that was used for clothing and baskets.
Maya Religion The Maya were polytheistic The Maya practiced human sacrifice
Mayan Religious Beliefs Believed that Gods controlled everything Priests had great influence because Mayans thought priests could talk to the Gods Polytheism = Belief in many Gods Mayan Religious Beliefs Gods symbolized as animals: Rain God = snake, Sun God = Jaguar, Death God= bat Food and animal sacrifices common; humans (such as defeated tribes) sometimes
Religion: The Ball Game Mayans inherited a ball game from the Olmecs that was an important part of Mayan political and religious festivals High-ranking captives were forced to play the game for their very lives The losers became sacrificial victims and faced torture and execution immediately following the match Object of the game was to propel an 8 inch ball of solid baked rubber through a ring or onto a marker without using your hands
Maya Accomplishments with an amazing level of accomplishments The Mayas were the first Americans to develop a complete system of writing with the use of pictured glyphs. Developed a system of math, more advanced that any European system. Perhaps most notable in the year 2012, the Maya created elaborate calendars. It is the ancient Mayas that predicted the last day of our existence as being December 21, 2012.
Advances in learning The Maya created a set of numerals Also developed a 365-day calendar
Astronomy Masters of the Night Sky- known for their observatories Accurately charted the planets by using a forked stick Predicted eclipses of the sun
Maya Architecture Lost Pyramid The Maya built towering temples and elaborate palaces. The Maya are knows for large ball fields Most Mayans lived in hay huts. Some lived in limestone buildings.
Mayas Today Mayas live in Mexico and Central American Speak Maya languages Observe some religious customs of their ancestors combined with Christianity
What happened to the Maya? The Maya abandoned many of their cities around 900 C.E. Archaeologists don’t know why the Maya civilization declined. There are many questions.
Lack of Resources (Water - Food - Materials) Possible Causes of Collapse of Classic Mayan Civilization Lack of Resources (Water - Food - Materials) Population (Too many people to feed) Revolution against the Government -Attack against the kings -Peasant uprising - Invasion (foreign - tribal) Location -Possible weather / climate concerns - Earthquakes, hurricanes -Epidemics of disease Calendar prophesies -They Mayans believed they were headed for collapse because their calendar said they were, therefore they thought they should move to new centers
Maya Video Clips
References The Ancient Maya of the Maya Ancient Mayan Civilization Traditions of the Sun Pyramid of El Castillo