@oldhickory_official 1. Hey @supremecourt_jmarshall, nice decision. If you want it enforced, you better head on down to Georgia yourself. LOL. Good Luck with that! 9-30-1832 via Tweetdeck @oldhickory_official
2. Just shut up @tj_monticello! Really? You guys honestly think you guys can make it on your own? SMH #BritishEmpire 7-4-1776 via Tweetdeck @your_majesty_kg3
@honest_abe_railsplitter 3. At this stupid play with my wife. OMG this is terrible. Somebody put a bullet in my head! #Ford Theater 4-14-1865 via Tweetdeck @honest_abe_railsplitter
4. Worst day of my life! Heading to Appomattox. Hope @greatulysses isn’t too much of a jerk about it. Glad it’s over though. 4-9-1865 via Tweetdeck @originalgenerallee
5. You won ‘t believe what @napoleon_bonaparte just offered me! Not sure the Constitution is cool with it, but I can’t turn it down!! #manifest destiny 4-30-1803 via Tweetdeck @tj_monticello
6. Bout to be rich!!! Wheat production about to be off the charts! Wait until y'all farmers see my invention!! #reapin #wheat 5-7-1834 via Tweetdeck @spicycyrusthevirus
7. Got these fools to compromise…AGAIN. Saving America is what I do. Why didn’t the just let me be president?!! #califree #fugitive slaveact #popular sovereignty 4-18-1850 via Tweetdeck @compromisinman
8. 8 years was plenty! Thanks America for letting me do my thing. Like I said, please stay out of alliances and don’t do that political party thing! 9-19-1796 via Tweetdeck @the_real_gw
@presidentpolk_official 9. I told y’all I’d finish off Manifest Destiny! Already got Oregon, should be getting the rest of the west thanks to @zachtaylor and the army! Just gotta sign this treaty!! 2-2-1848 via Tweetdeck @presidentpolk_official
10. Giving a shout out to my boy @henrydave! Hang in there brother. They can’t keep you in jail! #love nature #self reliance #civildisobedience 6-24-1846 via Tweetdeck @r_waldo_e
11. Thanks to all 300 who showed up in New York for the convention. Special thanks to my sister @lucretia_m for all her help and to @free_freddouglass for some great words! #womensrights 7-21-1848 via Tweetdeck @elizacstanton
@prevere_silversmith 12. Had to go on a ride last night to let Concord know about the stupid British. If we’d have had the right technology, I could have just tweeted. LOL. 4-7-1775 via Tweetdeck @prevere_silversmith
13. To @tenbuckhamilton and all you federalists, I already told you no way we ratify this so called constitution and create another @your_majesty_kg3! #billof rights 9-21-1787 via Tweetdeck @antifed_gmason4
14. Hey Congress, nice try trying to get rid of me! Thanks to the senators had the decency to see that this was a bunch of bull and had the courage to vote accordingly! 5-28-1868 via Tweetdeck @drewj_president
15. Way out here on the Yellowstone. Been a year since we left Camp Dubois in Missouri. Such a vast country. @sacagawea has been a godsend. Great work by @captmerrilewis as well! 5-14-1805 via Tweetdeck @ltwillclark
16. Hey @oldhickory_official! I don’t care if you send the army. South Carolina isn’t paying these bogus tariffs. But we will talk to @comprimisinman and see what happens. 5-14-1805 via Tweetdeck @yourvpjccalhoun
@allaboutthebenjamin 17. In Paris because @the_real_gw and the American army got that W! Just signed a treaty that got us all the land to the Mississippi! How you like us now @your_majesty_kg3?!! LOL 9-3-1783 via Tweetdeck @allaboutthebenjamin
18. Well, @honest_abe_railsplitter, I guess that means it’s ON! Had to be in South Carolina, right? 4-12-1861 via Tweetdeck @csaprez_jeffdavis
19. I don’t get why are people making such a big deal out of one little court case. Jeez, if the Constitution says you’re not a citizen, then how can it protect your rights? 3-6-1857 via Tweetdeck @topjudge_rbtaney
@supremecourt_jmarshall 20. Feeling good about this recent court case. The Supreme Court has to have the power to declare laws unconstitutional. #judicial review #checksandbalances 2-24-1803 via Tweetdeck @supremecourt_jmarshall
21. @oldhickory_official and his people just need to quit crying. The Constitution says we aren’t doing anything wrong, I’m president, and @comprimisinman is my secretary of state, and there’s nothing they can do!!! 2-29-1825 via Tweetdeck @jadams2withaq
22. Told Spain, France, England and the rest of Europe to stay the heck away from our side of the world. They can do whatever they want over there, but keep out of the Americas. LOL #neutrality 12-2-1823 via Tweetdeck @doctrinejames
@constitutiondaddyjm 23. Can’t believe the British burned down the Capitol, Library of Congress, AND the Whitehouse. Thank God @dolleymadison and the crew are ok. Don’t worry Britain, we’ll be back!!!!! 8-24-1814 via Tweetdeck @constitutiondaddyjm
24. I’m mad about the Tea Act and all the other junk from England, but I can’t believe those guys ACTUALLY did it. LOL. Dressing like Indians and dumping out all that tea!! #notaxationwithoutrepresentation 5-10-1773 via Tweetdeck @adams_sam_i_am
25. They made me sign some stupid document today. Due process? Limited monarchy? What the heck? No way that works. Oh well. At least I’m still king! 6-15-1215 via Tweetdeck @theonlykingjohn