Abstract Provide a brief overview of your research project here.. Research Conference Poster Template – Long title goes here and if needed, here…. Author’s names go here Abstract Provide a brief overview of your research project here.. Introduction and Literature Review Brief introduction and literature review Conclusions and Summary What do you think your data will likely show? Who will benefit from this study? Identify opportunities for future research. Results Summary of your results or expected results Poster Creation Requirements This poster template size cannot be changed. Your poster must be 36” x 48” Use an easy-to-read font, such as Arial or Calibri. Suggested font sizes are: Title 72-120, Subtitle 48-80, Section Header 48-72, Body Text 36-48. It’s suggested that posters have fewer than 1000 words. Bullet points are more effective than paragraphs. Graphics (photos, drawings, graphs, and tables) should be used to draw the viewer’s attention and to help illustrate concepts without excessive text. Section headers, sizes, and placements shown are guides as to how your research should be presented. Individual posters may have different layout options. Check with your faculty advisor or instructor to see if there’s a standard poster guide for your discipline. Problem Statement One- or two-sentence statement of the problem you’re researching Methods and Sample Brief information about your research methods and sample References List of references Acknowledgments Those who provided help, information, or financial support