Trang Hoang Florida State University - Dzero


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Presentation transcript:

Trang Hoang Florida State University - Dzero A measurement of Charge Asymmetry in W→ decay using Dzero detector at FermiLab Trang Hoang Florida State University - Dzero 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Outline Motivation Wmunu Asymmetry Tevatron – Dzero detector My first steps 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Motivation A measurement of W+/- boson rapidity (yW) distributions can give a useful information about the Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the u and d quarks in the proton Contribute to decrease the systematic uncertainties in the measured mass of W boson and Top quark A test of Standard Model 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

W Production Asymmetry W production process 85% cross section of W production comes from the valence-valence and valence-sea interactions 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

W Asymmetry W+ boson is boosted along proton’s direction and W- is boosted along anti-proton’s direction because u valence quarks carry more proton’s momentum than d valence quarks W Asymmetry: Missing energy can’t be measured in the z direction, therefore W boson is reconstructed with some certain assumptions The Asymmetry can be extracted from that of the lepton in the decay of W boson . 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

W→ Charge Asymmetry The muon charge asymmetry is the composition of the W asymmetry and the asymmetry from the (V-A) decay. with (y) is muon identification efficiency for positive/negative muons in a rapidity bin y Luminosity L is charge independent . In the relativistic limit, y is the same as pseudo-rapidity y   = - ln[tan(/2)] 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Backgrounds Z →  W → ,  →  Z → , one  →  QCD 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Current result at Dzero done by Sinjini Sengupta and Sunsan Blessing, FSU √s = 1.6 TeV, || < 2.0, 0.005 < x < 0.3, 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

√s = 1.98 TeV, peak Luminosity  8.5 1031 cm-1 s-1 Tevatron in RunIIb √s = 1.98 TeV, peak Luminosity  8.5 1031 cm-1 s-1 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Dzero detector Central tracking system: Silicon microstrip tracker (SMT) Central fiber tracker (CFT) Calorimeter: Central section Two end caps Muon detector: Three layers of scintillators and drift tubes One layer inside 1.8T magnet Two layers outside the magnet 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

My First Steps 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Event Selection SAM data set: 154540930 muon inclusive events taken before May 1, 2007 in RunIIb Muon Selection good single muon criteria Kinematical cuts: Muon pT > 20.0 GeV MET > 20 GeV W Transverse Mass > 40.0 GeV 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

MET of Wmunu Candidates 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Muon pT Distribution, Wmunu Candidates 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

W Transverse Mass 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

W pT Distribution 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Muon Eta Distribution 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Muon Charge Asymmetry, |eta| < 1.6 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Things to Do Study trigger efficiencies Study charge misidentification of the tracking system Estimate background by MC … 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon

Thanks for your attention ! 11/11/2018 E06 Meeting - Saskatoon