The Declaration of Independence Central Ideas and the Legacy
Central Ideas—The document was written to do three things: explain the basic rights of man, demonstrate how the King had failed the colonists in providing these rights, and inform the King of the Consequences of his actions. All men (people) are created equal. All men (people) have basic rights that cannot be taken away. The government gets its power to make decisions from the people, and owes it to them to protect them and their rights. When the government fails to protect them people or their rights, then the people have the right to make the necessary changes to the government or remove it completely.
Legacy: How has the Declaration of Independence affected United States history? The phrasing of all men are created equal led to discussions about do we mean “all men”? Do we include people of different ethnic backgrounds? What about women? Native Americans? Slaves? Same as above, do all of these groups have the same rights that cannot be taken away? If so, why have we denied so many their rights? Think of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address during the Civil War—referring to a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.” How does that reflect the ideas of the Declaration? If the government fails to do its job, then the people can replace it. Did this argument help shape the Civil War? WHAT IS THE LEGACY OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE TODAY?