Maximising Sale of Power and profit of VSTPS Electrum Welcome You All @ PC Solo Theme Maximising Sale of Power and profit of VSTPS Presented by Vikas Gupta Anil kumar
One Unit Saved= Two Units Generated
Proposals Roof top solar feeding supply directly to Switchgear Roof top Solar feeding Power to DC Switchgear. Roof top Solar feeding Power to H2 Generation Plant. Power factor improvement of CHP HT feeders from Plant HT Switchgear 3
Proposals-1 Roof top Solar Power feeding to Switchgear (without Battery System) 415 V SERVICE SWGR Normal Supply 4
Proposals-1 Switchyard Building + Service Building Stage-III Potential 50 Kwp Tech Feasibility – asserted by REDG based on Roof Area and Sun intensity Costing - 42Lacs Yearly Saving -PLF(18%)*50=9KW (INR 236520) Pay back Period- 10 years Maintenance free as no battery requirement- Economical & Sustainable Solution Proposed for Turbine floor / PT Plant as availability of Roof Space as well Switchgear loads. 5
Future Course of Action Step-1 : Area assessment Step-2 : Switchgear Identification Step 3 : Tech Feasibility Step 4 : Approval
Area Assessment
Future Course of Action Step-1 : Area assessment Step 2 : Switchgear Identification Step 3 : Tech Feasibility Step 4 : Approval
Proposal-2 Roof top Solar Power Feeding directly to 220V DC Switchgear 11
Proposal-2 Depending upon the intensity of Sun, PV Cells used to generate , Inverter stabilize the AC output by controlling the rectifier. Here to control the DC voltage, solar charge controller is required, now manufactures are available (Vikram Solar , Moser Boer etc) If proposal converted to reality then this would be the First Project ,solar directly charging the 220 DC Switchgear. Solar Panel Solar Panel Inverter Synscope ACDB Solar Panel Controlled DC Voltage Charge Controller DCDB 12
Proposal-2 Capacity( Switchyard DC DB) – 30KWp ( calculated as normal current 60A with 240 V)+ Roof space available Costing – 20 lacs ( Budgetary offer of Vikram Solar) Yearly Saving -PLF(18%)*30=5.4KW (INR 141912) Pay back Period-10 years Maintenance free as no battery requirement and invertors - Economical & Sustainable Solution. VSTPP has a potential of 200KWp through this , If Automation system is included then approx 300KWp- Economy of Scale 13
Proposal-3 Roof top Solar Power Feeding directly to Hydrogen generation plant. 14
Proposal-3 Yearly Saving -PLF(18%)*30=5.4KW (INR 141912) If proposal converted to reality then this would be the First Project ,solar directly being used for Hydrogen generation Capacity – 30KWp ( calculated as normal current 500A with 60 V)+ Roof space + open space area available for solar panel. Costing – 20lacs ( Budgetary offer of Vikram Solar) Yearly Saving -PLF(18%)*30=5.4KW (INR 141912) Pay back Period-10 years Maintenance free as no battery requirement and invertors - Economical & Sustainable Solution. 15
CHP HT Load From Stage-I Proposal-4 CHP HT Load From Stage-I HT LOAD Gen CHP E Capacitor 2 3 4 5 1 Total HT Load (approx) = 2868 KW Average Power Factor = 0.6 Voltage = 6.6 KV GT UT HT Switchgear 2868 KW / 0.6 PF
HT Load
When power factor is improved from 0.6 to 0.95 For CHP HT Load When power factor is improved from 0.6 to 0.95 Voltage 6600 KW 2868 PF1 0.6 PF2 0.95 KVA1 4780 KVA2 3019 KVA reduction 1761 KVAr1 3824 KVAr2 943 KVAr reduction 2881 current1 418 current2 264 Current reduction 154 Power Loss 115 % reduction in power loss 58.24 Reduction in power loss 67
COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Power Saving (Kw) 67 Energy saving annually Kwh (million units) 0.6 Saving annually in Rs (1.50/KWH), Lakhs 8.75 Capacitor compensation KVAR required 1761 Appx Investment required (600 Rs/KVAR), Lakhs 10.56 Pay back period in years 1.2 Implementation- Switchgear R&M
Advantages of P.F Correction Reduction in KVAR Demand Reduction in Switchgear Rating Reduction in KVA Demand Reduction in Transformer Rating Reduction in Cable / Bus-bar size Reduction in Line Current Reduction in Line loss
Thank You !!!