EX NOBLE SKYWAVE 2016 (Ex NS 16) ++++++++++++++++ M’introduire: - Conseiller de la branche des communications et de l’electronique - Adjuc Dinelle, Adjutant-chef de la branche C&E Maj Lizotte CO 8 ACCS, EX NS 16 Director Capt Dargan TSO 8 ACCS, EX NS 16 OIC MWO Denommee CFSCE CCO, EX NS 16 CCO October 2016
Ex NS 16 - Introduction Situation Mission Execution Ex NS 16 Statistics Lessons Learned Questions
Ex NS 16 - SITUATION During C&E Branch’s annual PD week in Kingston, 8 Air Communication Control Squadron (8 ACCS) and the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics (CFSCE) are conducting EXERCISE NOBLE SKYWAVE (Ex NS 16). Ex NS 16 facilitates voice and data links between domestic and international teams via High Frequency (HF) sky-wave propagation in a competitive environment. Participants include: Regular, Reserve, Auxiliary Force units, Civilian and Private groups, and Government organizations that are HF capable from all over the world.
Ex NS 16 - MISSION 8 ACCS and CFSCE will coordinate and facilitate Ex NS 16 from 26 1000Z Oct 2016 to 27 1800Z Oct 2016 in Kingston Ontario, in order to provide a venue to confirm HF interoperability amongst the international community.
Ex NS 16 – EXECUTION Concept of Operations Intent: Building on the success of previous irritations, Ex NS 16 leverages C&E branch week to conduct this international training exercise. Scheme of Maneuver: Within a competition construct, participating teams earn points for successful contacts with other participants. The OIC and CCO retain the responsibility for the overall coordination and conduct of the competition. However, participants are responsible for the setup, tear-down, and manning of their detachments. Main Effort: To maximize both domestic and international participation. End State: Will be achieved once the winning team is announced (27 1800Z Oct 2016) and an AAR is submitted.
Ex NS 16 – EXECUTION Groupings and Tasks Administration and Planning: Originate and disseminate all Ex NS 16 documentation Domestic and international letter of Participation, Exercise Directive; CEOIs, ect Update EX NS 16 Webpage; Submit frequency requests; Accept registrations and issue supporting documentation to participants; and Establish and operate the Ex NS 16 Command Post. Participating Units: Submit Registration forms NLT 14 Oct 16; Submit frequency request through respective communications staff or national spectrum manager/organization; Prepare required equipment; and Regularly check Ex NS 16 webpage for updates.
Ex NS 16 – EXECUTION Coordinating Instructions Timings: Location: Jul 16 - Formal letter of invitation released; Aug 16 - Exercise Directive released; Aug 16 - Canadian Frequencies requested; Sep 16 - Frequencies disseminated to participants (8x 10KW and 40x 400w); 17 Oct 16 - Registration closed; 18 Oct 16 - CEOIs (draft 1) released; 26 Oct 16 at 1000Z - Ex Commences; 27 Oct 16 at 1600Z - End Ex; and 27 Oct 16 at 1800Z - Winner announced. Location: Command Post – CFB Kingston Participants – Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Italy, Iraq and Korea.
Ex NS 16 – Statistics Location Number of Stations Participants per Station Australia 5 31 Canada 39 188 Iraq (New Zealand in Iraq) 1 12 Italy Peru 3 23 New Zealand 30 South Korea (Canadian) United Kingdom United States of America 34 189 Totals 88 489 Total number of domestic participants:188 Total number of international participants: 301 (58 stations)
Ex NS 16 – North American Distribution
Ex NS 16 – World Distribution
Ex NS 16 – Lessons Learned Top 3 Lessons Learned: The Requirement to centralize EX NS documentation (Ex Directive, letters of invitation, CEOIs, AAR, etc). - Suggest all Ex NS 16 documentation be uploaded to the C&E branch sharepoint. Communication with Ex NS 16 participants - Gmail account, phone and chatroom (webchat.feernode.net) Expand into ALE 3G and data over HF - Challenge teams to step out of traditional ALE and SSB transmission, and into ALE 3G and data transmission over HF.
Ex NS 16 – Questions