The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method The Scientific Method is used by scientists to support or disprove a hypothesis. It involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence. This is the method on which all research projects should be based.
The Scientific Method The Scientific Method involves 6 steps: Asking A Question Doing Research Forming a Hypothesis Set Up An Experiment Analyzing the Results Drawing A Conclusion
The Scientific Method It all begins with an observation! You observe something in the material world using your senses. AH—Look at this!
The Scientific Method Question/Problem- You ask a question about what you observed. This becomes the problem you try to find an answer to.
The Scientific Method Research- You gather data or information about your question or problem. For Example: books magazines reports experts your past experiences
The Scientific Method Hypothesis- You predict what you think the answer to your question might be. This is your “educated guess”. Remember: It must be a testable hypothesis!
The Scientific Method Experiment - You figure out a way to test whether your hypothesis is correct or not. Remember, the outcome must be measurable or quantifiable.
The Scientific Method Results- This is your data. Record and analyze your data using charts & graphs. Repeat the experiment to confirm your results by retesting. The more trials you have the more reliable your results are.
The Scientific Method Drawing Conclusions- State whether your hypothesis was confirmed or not and try to explain your results.
Following the Scientific Method. A fish farm operator notices that baby fish are not surviving to adulthood. (Problem) She goes to the library and looks up what fish need to survive. (Research) She thinks that the fish are not surviving because there is not enough oxygen in the water. (Hypothesis) She tests two groups of fish, one of which receives more oxygen than the other. (Experiment) The higher-oxygen group has many more fish survive. (Results) She concluded that lack of oxygen was the cause of fish deaths. (Conclusion)
The Scientific Method Test your knowledge by reading different scientific scenarios and seeing if you can identify the steps of the scientific method.
Jane thinks her plants will grow taller in red light. Scenario #1: Jane has been growing her plants under white light and notices they are not growing well. Problem Research Hypothesis Experiment Results Conclusion After a month Jane measures the plants and finds that the plant grown under the red light is 5 cm taller. ______________________ She looks up different color lights to see if there might be another option for light color. ___________________ Jane notices her plants are not growing well under white light. _________________________ Jane concludes that plants grow taller in red light versus white light. ___________________________ Jane sets up two groups. One is exposed to white light and the other is exposed to red light. ________________________ Jane thinks her plants will grow taller in red light. _________________________ results research problem conclusion experiment hypothesis
He thinks Clean-O detergent will remove stains from his pants. Scenario #2: SpongeBob notices his regular detergent isn’t cleaning his pants as well as they use to. Problem Research Hypothesis Experiment Results Conclusions SpongeBob washes one pair of pants in plain water and another pair in water with the Clean-O detergent. He repeats this process three times. ________________________ The pants washed in the Clean-O did not appear to be any cleaner than the pants washed in plain water. ______________________ He looks up the latest laundry detergents used for fighting tough stains.____________________ SpongeBob’s notices his favorite pants are not as clean as they used to be. _________________________ He thinks Clean-O detergent will remove stains from his pants. _________________________ SpongeBob reports to Sandy that the Clean-O detergent is not effective in removing stains. ______________________ experiment results research problem hypothesis conclusion