Disabled American Veterans Department of California Chapter Leadership Forum June 2018
Chapter Officers Shall elect annually a Commander, Senior Vice Commander and one or more Junior Vice Commanders. Shall elect or appoint an Adjutant and Treasurer. May appoint other officers as necessary to operate the chapter. Appointed officers serve at the pleasure of the Chapter Commander. Neither the Commander or any Vice Commander may also serve as the Adjutant and/or Treasurer.
Chapter Commander The Commander shall preside at all regular and special chapter meetings. Has the responsibility to fulfill all duties, obligations and attributes of his office in accordance with the DAV National, Department, and Chapter Constitutions & Bylaws, regulations, mandates and the official DAV Ritual. Shall normally countersign chapter checks. Shall appoint members to chapter committees. Shall serve as an ex-officio member of all standing or special committees he appoints.
Chapter Commander The Commander shall be empowered by their signature binding the chapter to legal documents and/or other contractual obligations, with the consent of the chapter and the Department. Suggestions for the Chapter Commander: –They should be a diplomat. Must not, either directly or indirectly, take sides in any dispute unless it is in the clear duty to intervene. They must at all times retain the confidence of the members. –They should know how to get people to do things. (DELEGATE) –Read and comprehend all correspondence. Stay informed and be knowledgeable about the Disabled American Veterans organization.
Chapter Commander Keep abreast of changes and inform everyone. Study and learn the required duties. Become completely familiar with the Chapter, Department and DAV National Constitution and Bylaws, regulations and mandates. Learn how to conduct and preside over a chapter meeting. Know and feel comfortable with parliamentary procedure and the functions of the presiding officer. Observe all rules at all times and preside with confidence and impartiality.
Chapter Senior Vice Commander Shall be the duty of the Senior Vice Commander to assume the office of the Commander in the event of absence, death, resignation or removal from office. May also serve as an ex-officio member of all chapter committees. Has the responsibility to perform the duties assigned to the office in the DAV C&BL, official ritual, mandates and directives. May serve as the fund-raising Chairman.
Chapter Junior Vice Commander Shall be the duty of the Junior Vice Commander to assume the office of the Senior Vice Commander in the event of absence, death, resignation or removal from office. In most chapters, performs the duties of the Membership Chairman. May have the responsibility to organize public relations events, i.e., membership drives, parades, ritual/honor guard teams, etc.
Chapter Treasurer Shall be the custodian of Chapter funds. Shall receive and deposit all monies in the appropriate banks and account. Shall ensure proper signature cards are on file at the financial institution. Shall make authorized disbursements only by checks or vouchers properly signed. Shall preserve all receipts, checks, vouchers and maintain a system of accounts.
Chapter Treasurer Shall be their duty to keep an accurate and current record of all financial transactions of the chapter and to make such records available to the Audit Committee on a regular scheduled basis. Shall prepare monthly and annual financial reports as required by DAV Bylaws. Shall keep and secure all legal documents, deeds, Articles of Incorporation, mortgages, licenses or other legal documents pertaining to the legal entity and/or financial obligations of the chapter. May also serve as the Chapter Adjutant.
Chapter Adjutant The office of the Adjutant is intended to be one of the most responsible and important in the Chapter. The Commander’s right arm. Is responsible for chapter correspondence, records, minutes and the Chapter history. In most cases, the Adjutant carries on from year to year and is the link between administrations. As such, they are expected to be the authority on what has been done in the past and what is permissible to do in the future within the purview of the Bylaws. Duty to keep detailed records of all business affairs and chapter meetings. Has the duty to inform the Commander, Treasurer of all bills against the Chapter.
Chapter Adjutant Before a chapter meeting: –Outline the business: Get together with Commander to review correspondence and decide what is to be read in its entirety; what should be condensed, expanded upon or explained, what needs action; and what does not apply to the chapter and does not require reading. –Number the letters to be read so they may be referred to more easily during the meeting. –Review the minutes of the previous meeting to determine if any business was held over or needs further action. –To save time during the meeting, consider making copies of the previous meeting minutes and the monthly finance report to be given and distribute each to the members in attendance.
Chapter Adjutant During a chapter meeting: –Read correspondence clearly and distinctly. If you are a poor reader, ask someone else to read.. –Invest in a hand held recorder. Do not attempt to take complete, finished minutes during the meeting. Take notes and write the complete details of any discussions later. –Make sure you make a record of who makes the motion, seconds the motion and the vote on the motion. –Demand that concise motions be made and take them down exactly. Insist motions are in exact words. Read the motion back before it is voted upon.
Chapter Adjutant –As the recording officer, you have the right to protest any action which is contrary to the National, Department or Chapter, Department Bylaws, but do so in a tactful manner. –Insure all business is taken care of before the meeting is adjourned.
Chapter Adjutant After the meeting: –Write up the minutes in the form in which they will be entered in the permanent record. Make a copy for the Commander and Treasurer so they will know what has been done. Take care of this within a day or two after the meeting while your memory is fresh. –Write all letters and take care of all business directed by the chapter meeting as soon as possible. This will allow the person to whom you write to time to answer before the next chapter meeting. –If possible, back-up your correspondence on a computer and make a paper record as well.
Chapter Adjutant Between Meetings: –Keep your correspondence files up to date. –Keep a file on matters to be brought up at the next meeting. –Make sure the Chapter Officer Report (COR) is current; if changes have occurred, submit a new COR as required by the DAV Bylaws. –Be certain the Chapter Bylaws are current and you have copies of them as well as the Department and National documents on hand. Become familiar with each document. –Keep an inventory of all Chapter property and who has possession of each item. –Perhaps prepare notices for media outlets (TV, radio and newspapers) of upcoming events and the next meeting.
So… who is the torch and who is the engine ?