Welcome to Sault Area Middle School Open house 2018
Staff introductions
Schedule questions? Grade 5 & 7 Grade 6 & 8 Contact Mrs. Pamela Pomeroy, ppomeroy@eupschools.org Grade 6 & 8 Contact Mrs. Erika Dvorak, edvorak@eupschools.org
School secretaries Mrs. Holly pink, administrative assistant Mrs. Pamela taylor, administrative assistant Mrs. Deb captain, truancy administrative assistant
Native American advisor Mr. drew Paquin dpaquin@eupschools.org
Sault middle administration Ms. Jessica rondeau principal jrondeau@eupschools.org Mr. William Schomberg Assistant principal Middle school athletic director bills@eupschools.org
Student planners Contains student handbook in the front to include office contact information Tuesday grade checks Friday PRINCIPAL planner checks
Student ids Student id and lanyard provided to each student Safe & secure schools Student incentive cards on the backs at 1st marking period (see planner page 2) Barcode is student lunch number
SHACC (sault health adolescent care center) NURSE PRACTIONER ON SITE Dental services Counseling services Comprehensive physicals IMMUNIZATIONS
Lunches & treats Please provide food or money for your student only Birthday treats, balloons, flowers, etc. will be delivered to the student at 3pm Planner page 4 (deliveries to school) and page 6 (meals at school)
parking Thank you, thank you, thank you! Single lane for drop off and pick up Please do not park or block the crosswalk Slower truly is faster Everyone is safe
Student sign-in & sign-out Parents/guardians/EMERGENCY CONTACTS must sign student(s) out Students are able to sign themselves back in
SAMS Parent Teacher Organization Contact pam Pomeroy Family fun nights Facebook: sault area middle school parent teacher organization
Find us on social media Facebook: sault area middle school parent and teacher organization Twitter: @saultmiddle Website: www.saultschools.org/sams
Sault schools Homecoming parade Meet at brady park 5pm Friday, September 28
After school opportunities 5th grade History day Mondays and Wednesdays from Sept 17-Nov 14 3-4pm Mast Monday thru Thursday 3:15-4:30 start date to be announced Study time LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 3-4:30 BEGINS Wednesday, September 5
We will now be collecting Box Tops for Education at SAMS Each Box Top brought in is worth 10 cents for our school! Box Tops can be found on over 250 food and household items you already purchase. Simply cut out the tabs and collect them at home, then send them to school with your student. Examples of Brands Included: Kleenex Lysol Pillsbury Nature Valley Pull-Ups Cottonelle Betty Crocker Annie’s Organic