Welcome Parents! Back To School Night September, 2017 Middle School Keyboarding!
Keyboarding is a Semester class (pairs with art). Subject required of all LCPS sixth graders. Skill subject (practice, practice, practice) Subject that benefits the students both personally and academically.
Encourage Practice at Home* Check my website for a list of on-line resources. Example: freetypinggame.net *Micro Type is available only on the school computers.
What do we do in Keyboarding? “Touch” key alphabetic keys; build speed and accuracy) Proofreading and grammar Document formatting using MS Word (ex: letters, tables, MLA reports, e-mails) Google Classroom Cyber safety and etiquette (including cyber bullying) Maintaining a safe digital footprint MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher, Paint, Drawing tools Introduction to Coding
Class Materials/Resources Textbook—Applied Computer Keyboarding Folder Pen/pencil(please!) Micro Type Windows 7 MS Office Word Power Point Excel (?)
Grading F-Formative (Practice) Grade Does not affect student’s grade Feedback (4 – 3 – 2 - 1) S-Summative (Mastery) Grade Affects student’s grade Retakes available at teacher discretion Additional work may be required.
Please check Parent/Student Vue with your student.
My Digital Life Online Course
Attendance/Missed Work As with other classes, attendance is very important. Additional lab time may be required Resource Before school After school
Courteous Request Tissues Sanitizer wipes Hand sanitizer
Speed Scale A B C D Grade Second Quarter 40 up = 100 39 = 98 38 = 96 39 = 98 38 = 96 37 = 94 36 = 92 35 = 90 B 34 = 88 33 = 86 32 = 84 31 = 82 30 = 80 C 29 = 79 28 = 78 27 = 77 26 = 76 25 = 75 24 = 74 23 = 73 22 = 72 21 = 71 20 = 70 D 19 = 69 18 = 68 17 = 67 16 = 66 15 = 65 Note: A grade of 60 will be assigned for any missing timing grade. GOAL: Pass two three-minute timings with no more than three errors.
THANK YOU!!! The best way to contact me is through email: joyce.ikwild@lcps.org Please check my website for additional resources, state competencies, etc.