2nd Grade Weekly Spotlight Newsletter SECOND THOUGHTS 2nd Grade Weekly Spotlight Newsletter December 16, 2016 Reading Noteworthy We are going to continue working with and focusing on comparing/contrasting how characters respond to major events and challenges in the stories read. *Due to Christmas break, we will not be sending home a newsletter or reading log on Tuesday, December 20th. *Due to an excessive amount of chapped lips, please send a tube of chapstick, with your child to keep at school. Math As our math instruction is becoming more and more complex, it is crucial that your student continues to work on telling time as well as his/her ability to identify and count coins both at home and school. Please work on these skills with your student over Christmas Break. Thank you so much for your continued support. Grammar/Writing Spelling Grammar: We will be focusing on capital letters and proper punctuation. We will also be working on helping verbs and quotation marks. Writer’s Workshop: Once fully published, our opinion writing pieces will be on display in the hallway. Wk of 01/09 Focus: -ed opened remembered started trotted timed liked grabbed stepped colored answered Science We have kicked off our Earth Science unit with our first section focusing on the earth’s surface. We will be learning about landforms, the difference between rivers and oceans, and will be able to identify and locate the Earth’s 5 oceans on a world map.
Early Dismissal: Tues. 12/20 Newsletter Continued Reminders Dates To Remember 19th – Reading Counts Skating Party 20th – Sing Along, Early Dismissal & Christmas Break Begins CHRISTMAS BREAK Early Dismissal: Tues. 12/20 ~No School~ December 21st – January 3rd *First day of School in 2017* January 4th A NOTE FROM THE TEACHER This Week’s Behavior Report Happy Holidays from our families to yours! Love, Mrs. Callaway, Ms. Reed, and Mrs. Thorp _____ Homework was turned in _____ Focused on task/worked hard _____ Missed recess due to: _____________________________ ____ Sent to a Buddy Room/Office for:__________________________________________________ Misc: ________________________ Words of Wisdom “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.” ~John Wooden