Txdot’s transportation program, 2018 Txapa annual membership meeting Bill Hale, P.E., Chief Engineer, TxDOT January 17, 2018
Pavement Condition Trends
Percent of Lane Miles by Pavement Type (FY 2018)
Condition Score for ACP Pavements
Distress Score for ACP Pavements
Ride Score for ACP Pavement
Preventive Maintenance Upcoming work for FY 18 Treatment Lane Miles Preventive Maintenance Overlays Less than 2” or & Seal Coats 29,000 Light Rehab Overlay Between 2" and 4” or Mill and Inlay between 2" to 4" 3,000 Medium Rehab Overlay Between 4" and 6" or Mill and Inlay between 4" to 6" 2,000 Heavy Rehabilitation Full Reconstruction or Mill and inlays Greater than 6” 1,000
TxDOT Organizational Chart
Proposed Program Funding Targets for December Update of 2018 UTP Category Allocations Proposed 10-YR Distribution Category 1- Maintenance $ 13,942,960,000 Category 2 -Metro and Urban Corridor Funding $ 12,152,110,000 Category 4 - Connectivity (Regional) $ 6,342,870,000 Category 4 - Connectivity (Congestion) $ 5,082,460,000 Category 5 - CMAQ (3 MPOs) $ 2,182,990,000 Category 6 - Bridge $ 3,406,350,000 Category 7 - Fed STP-MM (Large MPO) $ 4,335,730,000 Category 8 - Safety $ 3,313,920,000 Category 9 - TAP $ 849,800,000 Category 10 - Supplemental Transportation Projects $ 648,930,000 Category 11 - District Discretionary $ 1,072,530,000 Category 11 - Energy Sector $ 2,110,420,000 Category 12-Strategic Priority $ 5,052,680,000 Category 12-Strategic Priority (TexasClearLanes) $ 4,947,140,000 Total Allocated Funds $ 65,440,890,000 Non-traditional funds-not in base (Cat 3 and Fed Earmarks) $ 5,172,990,000 Total, All Funds $ 70,613,880,000 In the August adoption of the 2018 UTP, the planning scenario used did not incorporate the recent legislative requirement to address debt service repayment for Proposition 12 Bonds using Proposition 7 funds. The December update incorporates this reduction, 613.4M, applied proportionately against all categories not legislatively mandated.
Area Engineering Portfolio Built bottom up by project and a clear geographic link to Area Office, District and the State Portfolio ILLUSTRATIVE 100 CSJs $525M Area Engineering Portfolio 700 CSJs $20,000M District Portfolio 7,500 CSJs $75,000M State Portfolio Project Manager Portfolio No. projects1 10 CSJs Volume1 $300M Data source: District Master portfolio (updated by DCIS): Authorized amount Let Amount (equals Low Bid if let, or Est. Const. Cost if not let) Let Sch Stat Combined let year Logic: Programming level = summation of Let Amount or Authorized Amount of projects not yet let, excluding Let Sch Stat = “NC”, “FC” and “LX” CSJs reprogrammed – from district model, entered into sandbox by districts 1 Excludes Candidate PA projects and projects in construction Source: Source Dallas Integrated Portfolio, Central Integrated Portfolio 2/16/2015
Built bottom up from Districts to Entire State Rural District Statewide Urban District Metro District
UNIFIED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM PLANNED FUNDING – GOAL Gas Tax, Prop 1, Prop 7, FAST ACT, Ending Diversions, etc. $ 70 Billion/10year = $7 Billion/year Design-Bid-Build (DBB): $55 to $60Billion /10years $5.5 to $6.0 Billion/year (Average) $460 Million/month to $500 Million/month Small (<$15Million) (80% total number of projects) Medium ($15Million to $50Million) (17% total number of projects) Large (>$50Million) (3% total number of projects) Design-Build (DB): $10 to $15 Billion/years $1.0 to $1.5 Billion/year (Average) 3 per year ( Minimum of $150Million/project)