Walt Whitman is…
“This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun, and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence towards the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men; go freely with the powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and mothers, of families: read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life: re-examine all you have been told at school or church, or in any books, and dismiss whatever insults your soul.”
By Mid 1800’s… Enter Walt Whitman! We have: Poe, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Emerson and a myriad of other writers..but what is missing? A THOROUGHLY DEMOCRATIC WRITER!! Enter Walt Whitman!
Whitman Background Born in 1819 in Long Island – Grew up in Brooklyn Created own newspaper “The Long Islander” and was a teacher and politician. Influenced by Emerson and loved Transcendentalist writing
Left the East and visited New Orleans. Saw America’s Diversity 1850 – Moved back home and took on a “loafing” lifestyle for 5 years! MAJOR SLACKER LIVING OFF MOM AND DAD! Known as his “days of preparation” Began to re-create himself in the form of a book!
“Leaves of Grass” Published in 1855 First edition contained 12 poems Walt’s attempt to “put a person, a human being freely, fully and truly on record”
Why is LoG so darn special? Whitman became the first American to break free of Iambic pentameter. Creator of Free Verse Free verse was best for Whitman: His message was that humankind was free; free to develop as an individual in body, mind, and soul
Themes in Leaves of Grass Democracy Average Man Poetry called the “Divine average” because it was the kind of poetry an average person could write… BUT…it’s not THAT simple!
More Leaves of Grass Second edition published in 1856 20 more poems; congratulatory letter from Emerson Third Edition – 122 poems! Additions and Omissions. The Book grew like…
Walt and the Civil War 1862 – became a war nurse and lived on front lines for weeks. Wrote book of poetry, “Drum Taps” about Abe Lincoln Walt viewed him as ‘the representative democratic man’ When Lincoln died, Whitman wrote the elegy poem, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”
The End is Near Whitman died in 1892 at the age of 73. Before his death, he published seven more editions of Leaves of Grass His “Complete Works” was also published the year he died.
Why Walt is SO Great… Unique and multi-faceted individual Free verse affected 20th century poetry Identifies with the “common man” One of the most deeply democratic and inspirational artists we’ve ever known… Walt Whitman is considered “The Father of American Poetry”
Which is Why…
Homework TP-CASTT Whitman’s “Song of Myself” #52. You can google it, or find it on page 318 of your book.