Contact Information for Housing Counseling Assistance Element #36
Purpose To inform the TSM of housing counseling assistance services available through the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Your Responsibilities/Entitlements Government Quarters Rental Property Involuntary Separation A status of forces agreement (SOFA) is an agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing military forces in that country
Lincoln Military Housing Service members must fill out Notice of Intent to Vacate or spouse may do so with a power of attorney. Residents are responsible for giving a full 30 day notice when vacating quarters. Residents that do not give a full 30 day notice will be held rent responsible for the full 30 days. If residents have PCS or deployment orders, it is recommended that residents bring copies to the office on the day they are received.
2003 Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) The law that governs legal protections for members of the United States Military. Termination of Residential leases Request must be made in writing Must have copy of orders
Involuntary Separations Authorized continued use of military family housing for up to 180 days after separation on a space available basis, subject to Status of Forces Agreements overseas.
Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Mission: To create a strong, sustainable, inclusive communities, free from discrimination, and provide quality affordable homes, all with the goal of improving quality of life for everybody.
Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Listing of state resources and variety of assistance: Buying and selling a home Avoiding foreclosure Financing home improvements Filing housing discrimination complaints
HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) Facilitates collaboration among Federal agencies and veteran- serving organizations regarding programs for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Helps Vets with homeless assistance and other issues such as combat-related domestic violence, runaway youth, and affordable housing for Vets with disabilities. HUDVet's State and Local Resources directory (Excel 543 KB) assists the coordination of community-based Continuum of Care services for veterans who are homeless. HUDVet's National Resources list (PDF) provides links and contact information for many of the organizations that impact and serve veterans nationally.
Resources HUD Website: 1-877-4AID VET (1-877-424-3838) Base Housing Office