Continuum of care for the homeless City of Spokane and Spokane County
What is a Continuum of care? Regional planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. CoC submits a single application for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants to streamline the funding application process and encourage coordination of housing and services Encourages a more strategic approach to housing and services for those experiencing homelessness. Four Parts of a Continuum of Care Outreach, intake and assessment in order to identify service and housing needs and provide a link to the appropriate level of both; Emergency Shelter to provide an immediate and safe alternative to sleeping on the streets; Transitional housing with supportive services to allow for the development of skills that will be needed once permanently housed; and Permanent and permanent supportive housing to provide individuals and families with an affordable place to live with services if needed.
Spokane City / County Continuum of Care Governance Structure APRIL 2018 Continuum of Care Stakeholders Continuum of Care Board Primary Decision Making Body – See Membership Representation Chart Coordination with Spokane County Coordination with City of Spokane Selects Continuum of Care Committees Collaborative Applicant/ Fiscal Agent (City of Spokane) HMIS Lead (City of Spokane) Executive Membership Recruitment Nominating Committee HMIS and Evaluation HMIS Coordination Program Evaluation Planning & Implementation Coordinated Entry 10-Year Plan HUD Application Coordination Funding / RFP Oversees Request for Proposals and Funding Awards Staff Support Issues RFP Staff Support Homeless Youth Veterans Chronic Homelessness Families Chronically Homeless Individuals
Continuum of Care Board & Membership Structure Board Representation 2 Representatives - Homeless or Formerly Homeless 3 Representatives - Homeless Services Providers 1 Representative - City of Spokane 1 Representative - Spokane County 1 Representative - City of Spokane Valley 1 Representative - Law & Justice 1 Representative - Behavioral Health & Chemical Dependency 1 Representative - Workforce Development 1 Representative - DSHS Children’s Administration 1 Representative - Public Housing Authority 1 Representative - Veteran’s Administration 1 Representative - Heath Care Provider or Hospital 1 Representative - Business Community 1 Representative - Schools 1 Representative - Chair of Homeless Coalition 1 Representative - Private Funder 2 Representative - At Large 21 Total Board Members Open Membership A Continuum of Care member is any individual or organization with an interest in understanding and addressing the issues related to homelessness and a desire to participate in some way in the coordinated plan to end homelessness. Continuum of Care membership is open to individuals and organizations and shall be broadly based with representatives from nonprofit homeless providers, victim service providers, faith-based organizations, governments, businesses, advocates, public housing agencies, school districts, social service providers, mental health agencies, hospitals, universities, affordable housing developers, law enforcement, organizations that serve homeless and formerly homeless veterans, and homeless and formerly homeless persons.
Vision, mission and goals To bring together resources and resourceful people who create a community where everyone has a safe, stable place to call home. Mission To prevent and end homelessness in our area by fostering shared responsibility among stakeholders and coordinating resources essential to the success of local plans to end homelessness. Key Responsibilities Lead, develop, follow and update a governance charter. Establish performance targets and evaluate and act on outcomes. Establish and oversee operations of a coordinated assessment system Establish and consistently follow written standards for providing CoC assistance. Designate and oversee operations of a Homeless management Information System and Collaborative Applicant Develop a plan to prevent and reduce homelessness.
Goals of the Continuum of Care Goal I: Construct and approve an integrated regional Plan to End Homelessness and coordinate with other regional plans related to homelessness issues. Goal II: Increase leadership, collaboration and civic engagement. Goal III: Increase access to stable and affordable housing. Goal IV: Support effective pathways toward self-sufficiency and reduced financial vulnerability. Goal V: Transform homeless services crisis response systems, including shelters, transitional housing, and other forms of temporary housing, leading to improved health and safety. Goal VI: Advance health and housing stability efforts. Goal VII: Annual review the Plan to End Homelessness, goals and objectives and make revisions as necessary to stay abreast of dynamic conditions.
Goals for Today Listening to front-line providers and stakeholders serving those experiencing homelessness Learning from your experiences about how we can help and what tools you need. Identifying a few specific steps we can take in the next year.