Cultural Geography
Regions - Language Arab World - Arabic Hispanic World - Spanish Brazil - Portuguese Canada – French and English Switzerland – Multiple languages English – international language
Ethnic Regions Former Yugoslavia Burundi and Rwanda Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians Burundi and Rwanda Hutus and Tutsis U.S. and Switzerland Multiple ethnicities Korea and Japan Predominantly a single ethnicity Cyprus Greeks and Turks
Religion Regions Divisive Force Hinduism India Buddhism Southeast Asia Judaism Israel, large communities across Europe and North America Christianity North and South America, Europe, Russia, Sub- Saharan Africa Islam North Africa and the Middle East Conflicts between Hindus and Muslims (Kashmir) Conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland Conflict between Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Jerusalem Conflict between Sunni and Shi'a
Monuments – Jerusalem Western Wall Dome of the Rock Judaism Dome of the Rock Islam Church of the Holy Sepulcher Christianity
India Taj Mahal Mausoleum housing the wife of a Mughal emperor
Saudi Arabia Kaaba, Mecca Most sacred site in the Muslim world Part of the hajj, religious pilgrimage
Europe Russia Kremlin – center of government France Eiffel Tower
United States Richmond Washington, D.C. New York City VA State Capitol Building Washington, D.C. Washington Monument White House Lincoln Memorial New York City Statue of Liberty
Religion Belief in a supernatural power(s) that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe Monotheistic – belief in one god Christianity, Islam, Judaism Polytheism – belief in many gods Hinduism, Ancient Greek and Roman religions, paganism Animistic/traditional - belief that different aspects of nature have divine powers Indigenous religions
Abrahamic Religions – Monotheistic Judaism God made agreement with Abraham Moses and the Ten Commandments Christianity Jesus Christ died for the sins of humankind Salvation through faith Old and New Testaments; the Bible Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodox Islam Founded by Prophet Muhammed after he spoke with God Five Pillars; faith, prayer, charity, pilgrimage, and fasting
Polytheistic religions Hinduism Oldest religion in the world Reincarnation, supreme spirit Caste system – social or religious Buddhism Similar or Hinduism Founded by Siddhartha
Other religions Taoism Confucianism Ancestor Worship Philosophy that began in China based on teachings of Laozi Tao Te Ching Confucianism Based on the teachings of Confucius Respect for elders and education Ancestor Worship Ancient belief that has been incorporated into many Asian religions Emphasis respect for family members that have passed on
Political divisions Neighborhoods Reasons for Divisions Election districts School districts Regional districts Cities Countries States Reasons for Divisions Desire for government closer to home Need to solve local problems Need to administer resources more efficiently
Conflict and Cooperation Boundary disputes Cultural differences Economic differences Competition for scarce resources Political advantages (gerrymandering) Natural disasters Economic advantages Cultural similarities Addressing regional issues
International political divisions North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) European Union (EU) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) United Nations (UN) Organization of American States (OAS) League of Arab States Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) African Union (AU)
Reasons for International Divisions Differences in culture, language, and religion Retention of historical boundaries Imperial conquest and control Economic similarities and differences
International Conflict and Cooperation Boundary and territorial disputes Cultural differences Nationalism Economic differences Ethnic differences Red Cross/Red Crescent Law of the Sea Antarctica Treaty Peace Corps Alliances for environmental preservation Greenpeace, World Wide Fund for Nature Foreign aid