CISM at Northern Hospital When an experience is troubling, when you need to talk to someone, when you need to know you are okay, there is a team that cares ….and trained and ready to help, right here!
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Critical Stress is different In a career where day to day you respond to the abnormal events in other people’s lives, there is always the possibility you’ll experience human trauma A critical incident is the one that, for whatever reason, is abnormal even for experienced personnel An event outside the usual realm of the human experience in terms of exposure to human suffering There is an impact of the critical incident on the soul or human spirit When faced with an abnormal situation, critical stress can be a survival mechanism - a normal reaction, in a normal person, to an abnormal event OR Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - a pathogenic version of that survival mechanism.
What is CISM and who can it help? Human beings all have different “flash points” or stressors that prompt reactions Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is a strategic intervention system It possesses numerous tactical interventions with core competencies for each Stressful, humanly traumatic events occur in the hospital as well as the community. CISM assists people in regaining balance Everyone who breathes the air in a traumatic situation is somehow exposed to its impact. Whether you are a First Responder, C-Com, Nurse, Doctor, PICS or PAS, Police, Emergency Staff, Security Officer, Housekeeper or other member of a team!
CISM – Crisis Intervention Goals To foster natural resiliency through… Stabilization Symptom reduction Providing a safe place for emotional decompression Sharing opportunity with others who experienced same Targeting the Response, NOT the event Supporting return to cognitive function Facilitation of access to continued care and consultation Stress management tips and help
CISM – Crisis Intervention definitions First and foremost, a CISM responder is trained in actions and reactions that offer help and emotional first aid, but will “do no harm” CISM is … Short term helping process Acute intervention designed to mitigate the crisis response Defusings Debriefings Not psychotherapy Not an investigation or critique It is private – there is no attendee list, note taking or reporting – you comments and concerns stay in the room Safe - allows peers to share with each other
Prolonged stress has many negative affects on your life Alcohol and drug use Change in usual behaviors Withdrawal Acting out Silence/too talkative Under/Over eating Hypervigilance Impulsive Anger/extreme sadness
Defusing and Debriefing Defusing means to render something harmless before it can do damage. A small group intervention applied within 48 Hours of a critical incident. Designed to take the edge off of a painful experience. The goal of a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is psychological closure. Circumstances out of the ordinary Interactive More structured, more detailed than defusing CISD is not a substitute for therapy
CISM basic training We traveled to classes on our own time along with EMS, Fire, Police and Hospital personnel from across the state. Each basic CISM course includes classroom work and application through discussion and role plays. Certification is rigorous but well worth it to be able to provide help when you need it. There are specific core curriculum courses required in order to be certified Group Crisis Intervention Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention All specialized certification tracks require: Advanced Group Crisis Intervention 4 team members have completed all above courses Specialty Curriculum and Electives Courses are also required to complete any program track
the NHSC CISM Response team Our team has provided successful debriefings and one on one sessions to hospital employees in the aftermath of unsettling situations Some of your teammates may have attended a CISM debriefing in the past If in doubt about any situation, call one of us and we can help determine what would be next. This is completely anonymous! Attendee names and what is discussed are strictly confidential Perhaps you’d rather have a simple one on one chance to talk How we helped: Shored up morale Assisted with coping skills Provided safe and confidential guided gathering Normalizing of emotions Previously during troubling situations there was no formalized mechanism in place to help normalize emotions
let us help – please call If you or a team member encounter an unusual, troubling or unsettling situation or event If there has been a peer death or accident In the event of suicide attempts and tragedies Patient death - infants, children unusual circumstances Flashbacks, ”close to home” events, unexpected trauma We can help Emotional first aid Communication skills Awareness of acute stress symptoms Intervention protocol Referral need and options Interventions Our Telephone Operators or House Supervisor can always reach us
contact the House Supervisor or any of us directly! If you need our help… contact the House Supervisor or any of us directly! This symbol indicates all CORE CISM certifications are complete Gary White Ext 7834 Cell 336-710-0405 Terry Hancock Team Lead - Ext 7194 Home 336-368-2470 Cell 336-830-3123 Christie Jones Ext 7091 Home 336-719-0226 Cell 336- 978-2371 Dan Combs Ext 7146 Home 276-755-3391 Cell 276-733-5241 Cade Wright Ext 7374 Home 336-415-5646 Cell 336-325-7829 Sheila Easter Ext 7117 Cell 336-648-0600