cedric ibay 8 kyle mapalo 13 portia valenciano 28 ii-champaca chrysophytes cedric ibay 8 kyle mapalo 13 portia valenciano 28 ii-champaca
Chrysophyta “chrysophytes” chryso meaning or indicating the color ‘gold’ phyta meaning plants “Plant-like protists” Eukaryotes photosynthetic Other characteristics Can be unicellular Can be filamentous Can be colonial phylum Chrysophyta class Bacillariophyta (diatoms) class Chrysophyceae (golden, or golden brown algae) class Xanthophyceae (Yellow-green algae) Chrysochrumulina sp.
Structures Chloroplast Cell wall An organelle containing chlorophyll The chlorophyll gives the bright yellow pigment Cell wall Is composed of Pectin Pectin + Cellulose Sometimes with silicon
Habitat Freshwater that is low in calcium Sometimes found in marine and estuarine environments as well Get pictures
Nutrition Chrysophytes are phototrophic. Different way of food storage can become heterotrophic if unable to produce food can eat diatoms Different way of food storage Instead of storing it as a starch, chrysophytes store the food as OIL. (polysaccharide laminarin)
Examples Anthophysa vegetans - a freshwater species of golden-brown algae - the first chrysophyte ever described Vaucheria litorea - an estuarine species of yellow-green algae Cyclotella ocellata -a cylindrical diatom - diameter: 6-30 micrometers http://acuteaccent.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/ig01_cyclotella_09.jpg
Reproduction Capable of both Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction and Asexual reproduction
Ecology Solitary Usually are producers May form thread-like colonies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z3odIzGMs0