L EARNING, E ARNING, AND I NVESTING FOR A N EW G ENERATION © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY Its Risky Out There Whats the risk in Having a breakfast sandwich and a hot drink at a fast-food restaurant before school? Driving to school? Listening to your music or texting friends during class time? Playing tennis after school? L ESSON 18 – M ANAGING R ISK S LIDE 18.1
L EARNING, E ARNING, AND I NVESTING FOR A N EW G ENERATION © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY Flipping Out Over the Cash Imagine that I have a brief case filled with $150,000 in cash. Option One: You keep the cash. You can have the $150,000 right now! No strings attached. Option Two: Double or nothing. Based on a double or nothing coin flip, you can have $0 if you lose the coin toss or $300,000 if you win. Which option would you choose? L ESSON 18 – M ANAGING R ISK S LIDE 18.2
L EARNING, E ARNING, AND I NVESTING FOR A N EW G ENERATION © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY Diversification Can Reduce Risk Diversification means replacing a single risk with a large number of smaller risks. Asset diversification means spreading your investment funds out over various investment options such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Stock diversification means spreading stock ownership risks out over many companies of different sizes, in different sectors, and in different locations. Insurance diversification means spreading some of the other risks you face – arising from car accidents, theft, and fire – out over other insurance policy holders. L ESSON 18 – M ANAGING R ISK S LIDE 18.3
L EARNING, E ARNING, AND I NVESTING FOR A N EW G ENERATION © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY Auto Insurance Auto insurance provides financial protection from losses due to an auto accident or other damage. Types of auto insurance coverage: Collision provides for the repair or replacement of the car damaged in an accident. Liability covers the cost of property damage or injuries to others caused by the policy owner. Comprehensive covers the cost of damage to an auto as a result of fire, theft, or storms. L ESSON 18 – M ANAGING R ISK S LIDE 18.4
L EARNING, E ARNING, AND I NVESTING FOR A N EW G ENERATION © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY Renters, Health, and Disability Renters insurance provides financial protection in case of loss of personal possessions in a rental unit due to theft, fire, water damage, and so forth. Health insurance provides payment for certain health care costs. Basic health covers office visits, lab work, hospital costs, and routine care up to a certain limit. Major medical provides protection against catastrophic illness. Disability insurance provides income over a specified period of time when a person is ill or unable to work. L ESSON 18 – M ANAGING R ISK S LIDE 18.5
L EARNING, E ARNING, AND I NVESTING FOR A N EW G ENERATION © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY Life Insurance Life insurance provides financial protection to dependents of the policy owner when the policy owner dies. Term life offers protection for a specified period of time. If you dont die within that time, you dont get the money (which is a good thing, remember?). Permanent life offers protection that remains in effect during the lifetime of the insured and acquires a cash value. Or you can purchase a variable plan which combines both. L ESSON 18 – M ANAGING R ISK S LIDE 18.6