The Human Development Index %
The HDI Every Year the UN produces a Human Development Report and Human Development Index (HDI) HDI ranks countries based on three key measures that indicate wealth and development What do you think these three indicators should be?
Human Development Index 1. Income Index - Per capita GNI 2. Education Index - Average years of schooling 3. Life expectancy Index – Life expectancy at birth
The Best and Worst 2016 UN Human Development Report: Highest HDI is Norway, Canada no. 10 Top 20 countries dominated by Europe and North America, also Japan and Australia Bottom 30 countries are mostly in Sub Saharan Africa, exceptions are Haiti and Afghanistan
Measuring poverty - Global North Use the Poverty Line Set amount under which people earn is seen as below the poverty line In Global North, this varies according to family size and location In Canada, single person earning less than $24, 460 is below the Poverty Line (LICO-BT) People working full time at minimum wage are officially below this poverty line
Poverty In Canada 1 in 5 people live below poverty line Child poverty rate in BC is 19.8% (higher than Canadian average) 60% of aboriginal children in Canada live in poverty High school graduation rate – 88% for Canada, 52 – 72% for first nations and inuit
Measuring Poverty - Global South Poverty line set and measured by the World Bank Absolute (extreme) Poverty – less than $1.90 a day (2011) World average is 12.7% of people Sub Saharan Africa – 42.7% of people (down from 56.8% in 1990) Poverty less than $3.10 – 2.1 billion. 35% of Global south – 66% in 1990