M.S. in Computer Science for working adults
Why Greenville? There is a demonstrated need for computer science degrees in Greenville based on data provided by: Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (courtesy of Greenville Chamber of Commerce) 2012 Riley Center Regional Study commissioned by UCG
2015 Economic Modeling Specialists data (courtesy of GACOC) SOC Description 2015 Jobs 2026 Jobs 2015 - 2026 Change 2015 - 2026 % Change Annual Openings Regional Completions (2012) 11-3021 Computer and Information Systems Managers 681 864 183 27% 26 316 13-1111 Management Analysts 2,111 2,688 577 87 1,859 15-1111 Computer and Information Research Scientists 12 20 8 67% 1 202 15-1121 Computer Systems Analysts 1,245 1,635 390 31% 55 150 15-1122 Information Security Analysts 254 313 59 23% 9 275 15-1131 Computer Programmers 639 694 9% 22 61 15-1132 Software Developers, Applications 1,110 1,492 382 34% 54 121 15-1133 Software Developers, Systems Software 554 745 191 27 166 15-1134 Web Developers 317 482 165 52% 15-1141 Database Administrators 402 475 73 18% 16 115 15-1142 Network and Computer Systems Administrators 1,585 1,790 205 13% 41 15-1143 Computer Network Architects 246 306 60 24% 10 15-1151 Computer User Support Specialists 2,012 2,437 425 21% 69 130 15-1152 Computer Network Support Specialists 927 1,051 124 24 15-1199 Computer Occupations, All Other 203 269 66 33% 375 15-2011 Actuaries 25 2 8% 15-2021 Mathematicians <10 Insf. Data 149 15-2031 Operations Research Analysts 103 168 65 63% 15-2041 Statisticians 127 162 35 28% 6 15-2091 Mathematical Technicians 15-2099 Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other 17-2061 Computer Hardware Engineers 90 109 19 4 43 19-3022 Survey Researchers 197 43-9011 Computer Operators 181 169 (12) (7%) 12,850 15,934 3,084 494
2012 Regional Study by Riley Center (courtesy of UCG) What Degrees/Programs would you like to see offered in the Greenville Area? Percent Business 12.1% Computer Science/IT 21.2% Medical Administration 6.0% Human Resource Arts 15.1% Other 39.6%
Why University Center of Greenville? Location, location, location Specialization in higher education delivery to working adults Marketing Classroom technology Scheduling expertise Staff support Revenue
The Process What does the degree look like? Work with the Budget Office and Office of the Provost to develop a viable financial model which includes expenses, up-front investments, revenue share model, etc. Work with Office of the Provost to solicit other approvals (SAC-COC, CHE, BOT). Work with UCG staff to begin marketing the program once approved.