Old vs. New in America The 1920’s Chap. 12 & 13
Rural vs. Urban For the first time more Americans lived in the cities than in the country. With city life came many changes that worried older, rural people City dwellers help different views on drinking, gambling, and casual dating.
Worrisome Developments Jazz music Suggestive dances Revealing dresses Changes in dating practices Women smoking New inventions Cars that are easier to drive Radios Electric appliances
The Fight for America Decade of internal conflict Throughout the 1920’s there was a conflict between people who embraced the new culture and city life and people who resisted the change. They clashed over issues that included: Alcohol Religion and Science Immigration Politics Labor
The fight against Alcohol Conservatives had fought to ban Alcohol Prohibition was enacted in 1919, which banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol. Many immigrants and city dwellers resisted and resented Prohibition.
Religion vs. Science Religion was at the center of the debate over a changing America Fundamentalism believed in a literal interpretation of the bible. They often fought scientific theories that went against the bible.
The Scopes “Monkey” Trial John Scopes, a biology teacher in Dayton TN, challenged a state law banning the teaching of evolution. The ACLU defended Scopes and provided Clarence Darrow as his defense attorney. William Jennings Bryan was the prosecutor. Scopes was guilty but the trial was more about the role of religion in education
The fight over Immigration After WWI, a wave of Nativism spread across America Nativism – prejudice against foreign born people Fearful that immigrants would bring radical political ideas, many Americans wanted to close the borders.
The Red Scare Reds = Communist The Red Scare was a panic that hit America after WWI. The communist had taken over Russia There was a real fear that Communist might try to take over the country.
Sacco and Vanzetti Sacco and Vanzetti two Italian immigrants who were WWI draft dodgers and anarchist. They were convicted of murder on circumstantial evidence. Protest erupted because some felt they were convicted more for they political belief than hard evidence.
Labor loses support – Boston Police Strike After WWI there were several notable strikes. The Boston Police Struck for higher pay and the right to organize a union. Massachusettes Governor, Calvin Coolidge broke the strike by using the National Guard. The striking policemen were fired and Coolidge got national praise.
The Steel Strike and Coal Miners Strike In Sept 1919, steel mill workers struck for higher wages and shorter work days. The steel companies called the strikers communist. Coal miners struck in 1919. They got a big raise and a lot of negative attention.
Raise of the KKK The KKK came back in the 1920’s in a BIG way. They claimed to fight for traditional American values. They added new targets, including Catholics, Jews, and immigrants.
KKK in Indiana Indiana had one of the biggest Klan organizations in the nation. The Klan was less violent and more political in Indiana. They ran state politics in the 1920’s