Unit 1: The World of Geography
What is Geography? Geography is the study of our earth and how we interact with it. It includes the rivers, mountains, and the seas, but also the chopping down of trees and hot days at the beach.
Unit 1 Essential Questions How does geography effect a nation’s history? How do environmental conditions impact modern societies? What does the environment do for us? Give examples of how geography plays a distinct role in a nation’s progress such as…Early civilizations forming along river basins. Great Britain becoming a world sea power because of their proximity to water. The United States of America not fighting World War I or II on American soil because of it’s location. North Carolina having a booming textile industry because of it’s cotton fields. Give examples of how environmental issues cause societal change such as…the warming of the environment leading to fossil fuel and business regulation. Hurricanes and natural disasters leading to the establishment of the National Guard and stronger infrastructure. The increase of smog in Los Angeles leading to the development of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. The United States’ dependency of foreign oil has led to an increase in gas prices and a higher demand for hybrid vehicles. Give examples of what environment does for humans such as…providing natural resources such as air, water, and food. Serves as a “depository” for our waste. Serves as our house and a clean environment is essential to our development.
How Do We Study Geography? There are 5 ways to look at the Earth. We call these the ‘5 Themes of Geography.’ They include: Location Place Human-Environment Interaction Movement Regions
The Five Themes of Geography: Location – geographers begin to study a place by finding where it is, or its location. This is measured by the latitude and longitude coordinates on a map. Place – geographers study the physical and human features of a location such as it’s weather, altitude, language, cultures, etc. Human-Environment Interaction – geographers study how people affect their environment and how does the environment affect them as well? Location – mapping points on a grid. Place – describing a specific location by it’s characteristics Human Environment Interaction – how does the environment and people interact
The Five Themes of Geography: 4. Movement – explains how people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another. 5. Regions – Geographers compare the climate, land, population, or history of one place to another. Regions do not have formal boundaries, but are “areas” of the same “stuff”. Movement – the movement of people, ideas, things Regions – common characteristics of multiple locations. Piedmont, Middle East, Carolinas