Schools Program What is Engineering? A Hands-on Approach
Schools Program
Naked Egg drop Build a container using the materials provided that will safely “catch” an egg after it is dropped from an initial height of 2 meters. Use only the materials provided. The container must pass freely through a 14” hoop (no side of the container should be longer than 10 inches…)
You have 20 minutes… Help!!!!
Why have “projects?” MESA activities emulate engineering problems in that they: *Are hands-on… *Are open-ended… *Connect to the real-world… *Are academic…
Protecting people is part of the real world…
…but also involve academics… [edit] Final equations compression/extension along the length of the beam bending deflection due to forces transverse to the beam composite compressive/tensile stress due to compression/tension force + moment shear stress in the beam trivial outcome of linearity assumption, included for completeness
Testing Containers…
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