Clinical Considerations in the Management of EGFR-Mutated Advanced NSCLC
EGFR Inhibitors for NSCLC A Paradigm Shift in Treatment
Overview of Nurses' Role in Managing Patients With Lung Cancer
Case 68-Year-Old Woman
Symptoms in a Patient With Newly Diagnosed NSCLC
Molecular Profiling of NSCLC
Case (cont)
Therapies for EGFR-Positive NSCLC
Initial Conversations With the Patient
Notable Adverse Effects of EGFR TKIs
Skin Rash
Prevalence of Rash With EGFR Inhibitors
Rash and EGFR Inhibitors Improved Outcomes in NSCLC
Strategies to Prevent Dermatologic Toxicities
STEPP Study Preemptive vs Reactive Management of Skin Toxicities
MASCC Recommendations for Prevention of Rash
Case (cont)
MASCC Recommendations for Treatment of Rash
Other Adverse Effects of EGFR TKIs
Scalp Rash
Dose Reductions
Management of Other Adverse Effects
Precautions With Concurrent Medications
Case (cont)
Development of Acquired Resistance to EGFR TKIs
Osimertinib: Efficacy and Safety
Case (cont)
Take-Home Messages
Abbreviations (cont)