Periulcerous inflammation RESEARCHES CONCERNING ANTI-ULCER EFFECTS OF VERNONIA KOTSCHYANA SCH. BIP. EX WALP EXTRACTS Alexandru Vasincu1, Anca Miron2, Ioana-Mirela Vasincu3, Daniela-Carmen Ababei1, Oana-Dana Arcan1, Delia Bulea1, Monica Neamţu1, Veronica Bild1 “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Pharmacy, 1Department of Pharmacodynamics and Clinical Pharmacy, 2Department of Pharmacognosy, 3Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry INTRODUCTION AND AIM MATERIAL AND METHOD Vernonia kotschyana Sch. Bip. ex Walp (Asteraceae) roots are used in Mali traditional medicine to treat gastritis, stomach ulcers and wounds. The current study investigated the protective effect of two extracts obtained from the powdered roots of the plant. Preparation of extracts VK1: contains active principles soluble in ethyl acetate, after delipidation of dried and powdered roots with chloroform. The technique involves reflux in a water bath at 50°C. VK2: was prepared following a similar method to the one used in traditional medicine → infusion, followed by prolonged maceration. RESULTS FTIR analysis Range of 4000–650 cm−1, 16 scans, spectrum resolution of 4 cm−1. FTIR analysis Acute toxicity Mice;dose sequence (25-1600 mg/kg bw) (p.o.); 7 days surveillance. A=FTIR spectrum of VK1 B=FTIR spectrul of VK2 A B Antiulcer test Mice; Extracts’ doses: 200, 400, 800 mg/kg bw (p.o.). Ranitidine (100 mg/kg bw, p.o.) → positive control. Indomethacin (18 mg/kg bw, p.o., 30 min after extracts/positive control) → ulcerogenic agent. For each group → calculated the % of ulcer inhibition. Appreciation score: 0=normal mucosa; 0.5=hyperemia; 1=1-2 lesions; 2=severe lesions; 3=highly severe lesions; 4=mucosa with multiple lesions. Acute toxicity Experimental data → no acute toxicity for the extracts Antiulcer test Histopathology followed the specific steps of technique. The experiments were conducted in accordance with the international bioethic rules. 200 mg/kg bw 400 mg/kg bw 800 mg/kg bw Ranitidine The morphologic alterations appeared at gastric mucosa level, following the administration of VK1 and VK2 extracts within the dosage of 200-800 mg/kg bw. Pre-treatment with VK1, VK2 (800 mg/kg bw) and ranitidine decreased the damage scores by 65.2%, 64.5% and 75.5% respectively. VK1 → marked inhibition of ulcers, starting with 400 mg/kg bw. From the data is observed a maintenance of effect between 400-800 mg/kgbw. VK2 → gradual inhibition, dependent on dose, until 64.5%. Indomethacin Ranitidine VK1 200 VK1 800 VK2 200 VK2 800 Profound ulceration Mucus secreting cells Congestion area Mucus secreting cells Mucus secreting cells&ulceration Periulcerous inflammation CONCLUSIONS Scientific research funded by “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iaşi, based on contract no 29029 / 28.12.2016. This study underlined the antiulcer potential of both extracts. Also was proven that VK1 extract had superior gastro-protective activity than VK2 extract.