Work Experience at ntc- 2017-18 The Key Details
Monday 15th-Friday 19th January 1 week ‘window’ from which to choose Work Experience period. It does not have to last for the full five days though. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 15 16 17 18 19
The next steps….(VERY IMPORTANT) After tonight’s meeting please consider the following: What would be a suitable work experience for your son? What contacts- if any- do you have in this specific line of work? After this…. You will need to contact the employer and: Gain a copy of their ELI (Employer Liability Insurance) document that shows it would cover your son’s age Check that the dates (15th-19th January) are acceptable
The NTC Work experience Form:
Once this is organised, the form needs to be completed with the relevant details. This needs to be returned to Mr. Kadiki (Zone 4) by: Friday 1st December
Additional Careers support can be found in the following places: NTC website- Menu-School Life- Careers Advice and Guidance Mr Kadiki & Mr. Ratcliffe The Careers Folder on the school ‘Common Area.’