S3 January 2016 An Introduction Work Experience S3 January 2016 An Introduction
What is Work Experience? One week in a place of work An opportunity to try out a career you might be interested in A chance to start building up experience for applications What is Work Experience?
New experiences… Greater independence Working with new people Different working hours Responsibilities New working environment New experiences…
9th-13th May 2016 When?
It’s time to start planning possible work experience placements
You should start thinking … Career ideas Favourite subjects or interests Ambitions You should start thinking …
Some points to consider Travel Health and safety Try somewhere or something new – outwith your comfort zone Some points to consider
In the past…
Some placements are difficult to get… Sports based Art and design Music IT – web design Construction Medicine – must be over 16 years of age for placements at the BGH Placements outwith the Borders Some placements are difficult to get…
Some placements are easier to find… Retail – shops Catering Hairdressing Clerical Care – childcare and the elderly Primary schools Some placements are easier to find…
Start considering… Where you might like to go What you might be interested in Do you have any contacts who might help you – ask them if they take students and take a note of their name and contact details Start considering…
For further ideas… Ask the current S4 about their placements Speak to friends, family, teachers for ideas Check where S4 pupils have been in the past For further ideas…
Today… A parental consent form will be handed out This should be returned as soon as possible but certainly by Friday 26th February with details of a contact if you have found one Today…
For further careers information or ideas look up the My World of Work or PlanIT Plus websites