2.7 Social change Live lesson
I can identify the leaders of reform movements during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and explain their aims 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥
Agenda We are going to discuss three important Reformers during the late 19th Century You will fill out Word Document and submit for 2.7 and/or collaboration credit
Urbanization Cities became bigger and over crowded Problems Increase in Immigration People moving from rural areas to the city Problems Air and water Pollution Quality of sewage, water, and transportation were poor Unhealthy because of crowded tenement slums
City Examples: New York and Chicago
New York and Chicago Skyscrapers Flatiron Building in NYC; Home Insurance Building- considered the world’s first skyscraper 1884
Accessing prior knowledge What is Reform? What does a Reformer do? Social Problem/Issue: problem that influences a considerable number of the individuals within a society. What are some current social issues?
Reformer #1: Washington Gladden Social Gospel Movement Helping the poor became the #1 issue for reformers Based on the belief that the gap between the rich and poor was too great in American society. No Federal programs to help poor Helped the poor by developing skills, job training, and find opportunities
Settlement Houses Most important development of the Social Gospel Movement A community center providing support to residents of poor, urban neighborhoods Hull House in Chicago, IL
Social Darwinism Based on Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection Believed that those with superior skills were meant to be successful, while the poor were bound to be unsuccessful. Government and society should not help each other. It’s everyone for themselves Led to the rise of Eugenics (fake science), racism, imperialism (module 3), fascism, and Nazism
Reformer #2: Jane Addams Provided adult education classes, kindergartens, and job training Provided nursing care Became political- advocated for Public bathhouses Parks Libraries Playgrounds Improve wages for women Led to the creation of the Children’s Bureau in 1912, now part of Department of Health and Human Services
Reformer: Mother Jones #3 Mary Harris “Mother” Jones Brought attention to the problem of child labor by leading strikes throughout New York City and Philadelphia Finally in 1938- federal restrictions on child labor
Problem #3- Child Labor
Societal Problems 1880-1910: Do they still exist today Societal Problems 1880-1910: Do they still exist today? : ) or : | or : ( Child Labor Widening gap between poor and rich Overcrowded and Unsanitary Cities Workers being taken advantage of (long hours, low pay) Segregation Laws, Racism Animosity towards (legal) immigrants
I can identify the leaders of reform movements during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and explain their aims 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥
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