Spreadsheet Basics Computer Technology
What is a Spreadsheet? Spreadsheets are: A software program you use to process financial or mathematical information Applications that track, analyze, and chart numeric information Used by business, industry, education, and individuals to make financial decisions Accounting documents Also called worksheets Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program
Four major parts of Excel Worksheets Enter, calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as numbers and text. The term worksheet usually means the same thing as spreadsheet. Charts Pictorially represent data. Create two- and three- dimensional charts 3. Databases Databases manage data. Sort data, search for specific data and select data that satisfy a criteria 4. Web Support Save workbooks or worksheets in HTML format to be viewed and manipulated using a browser
Excel Definitions Cell – the box formed at the point where a column and row meet in a spreadsheet or table. Cells can contain: Labels - words entered in a spreadsheet cell; cell contents are treated as text by the spreadsheet. Values – numbers entered in a spreadsheet cell. Formulas - a combination of values or cell references and mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Alignment – the placement of information within a cell either at the left edge, right edge, or centered within the cell.
Excel Definitions Cont. Cell name or address – the column letter and row number that identifies the cell. Active Cell – the cell in use Cell pointer – the mouse pointer Cell Range – a continuous group of selected cells in a spreadsheet. (There may be times when you want to print only a selected range of cells rather than the entire spreadsheet.
Excel Definitions Cont. Formula bar – area on a spreadsheet where the text, number, or formula in the active cell is displayed. AUTOSUM function – a built-in formula in a spreadsheet that adds the values in a cell range. Row – information arranged horizontally on a page; identified by numbers. Column – information arranged vertically on a page; identified by a letter.
Excel Definitions Cont. Formatting – changing the way the information is displayed in a cell or spreadsheet such as displaying it in bold or italics. Page orientation – the direction in which the information is printed across the paper (the default page orientation for a spreadsheet is portrait. Portrait orientation – the printing is across the short edge of the paper, so the paper is vertical. Landscape orientation – printing is across the long edge of the paper, so the paper is horizontal.
The Excel Screen The following screen shows the Excel screen and identifies each of the parts.
Sizing Buttons Minimize, Restore, Close Ribbon Name text box Office Button Tabs Group Column Active Cell Formula Bar Title Bar Sizing Buttons Minimize, Restore, Close Row Worksheet Area Cell Pointer Cell Scroll Bars Sheet Tabs Status Bar
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