Selectpac An Overview
Agenda What is Group Insurance Typical Benefits Provided Advantages to you, the employer, and to your employees Why Selectpac?
What is Group Insurance? Definition… …an arrangement to provide insurance coverage for a group of persons under a single contract, without individual risk selection, and under terms and conditions more favorable than those otherwise obtainable by these persons as individuals.
The Concept of Group Insurance If you are like most people you own fire insurance on your home. Do you think your house will catch on fire tomorrow ? So why do you own fire insurance ? The fact is that fire can cause a catastrophic financial loss.
The Concept of Group Insurance Nobody expects to be injured, or become ill tomorrow. However, if this does occur it can cause a catastrophic financial loss. A comprehensive employee benefits program is a low cost solution that can provide protection for the Employee and Employer from catastrophic financial losses due to illness or injury
Typical Group Benefits Employee and dependant term life insurance Accidental death & dismemberment Critical Illness Short term disability Long term disability Medical reimbursement plan (tax loop hole) Employee Assistance Program (Contact) Healthcare Dentalcare Visioncare
Advantages To The Employer & The Employee Advantages for Employer Attract & Retain key People Establish a company policy in the event of the death or disability of an employee Tax effective compensation Advantages for Employee Basic protection for the EE & family Less expensive than individual insurance Higher standard of healthcare than otherwise possible Cover for uninsurables The Current Small Business Environment With an increasingly restless and stressed out work force facing erosion of Medicare benefits and ever spiraling prescription drug costs, employers are under more pressure than ever to provide comprehensive benefit packages for their staff…* *The Globe and Mail, Report on Small Business March 17, 2005.
Dont Give You Employees a Raise! Give them benefits instead… A comparison cost for the employer: RaiseEmployee Benefits Enhancement$1050 $1050 EI $30.87 N/A CPP $51.98 N/A WSIB $22.99 N/A Payroll Tax $10.29 N/A Total $ $1050
Dont Give You Employees a Raise! Give them benefits instead… A comparison cost for the employee: RaiseEmployee Benefits Enhancement$1050 $1050 EI $(22.05) N/A CPP $(51.98) N/A WSIB N/AN/A Income Tax $(362.40) N/A Total $613.57$1050
Meeting Employer Needs Effective management of benefit costs Tailored plan design Streamlined administration Clear communication material Accessible and responsive customer service Claims Service Administrative Support
Why Selectpac? Leading group insurance provider in Canada. No Medical Underwriting. Each employee is guaranteed basic levels of Life, AD&D, LTD, Healthcare and Dental coverage. Local, personal service through the Resource Centre Life and LTD products are convertible. Best Doctors Service Card included in our Healthcare (free of charge). No doctors note required for paramedical practitioners. No termination age for STD, Healthcare and Dental benefits. All Healthcare claims over $5000/person are fully pooled. Easy on-line administration via our Group Net Website. Rates are guaranteed for 15 months