F B 1 Module 4 L. 4c My neighborhood
Post office
Skate park
Shopping Centre
Reading neighborhood favour busy The area of a town that surrounds someone's home. The support of someone. Giving your attention to a particular thing.
Reading remember far Need To be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind. taking great distance in space or time to want something very much
exercise 1
Ex.1: Write the correct words under the pictures Shopping Centre bookshop bank library Café
bank ……………….………….. bookshop ……………….…………..
Café ……………….………….. library ……………….…………..
shopping centre ……………….…………..
exercise 2
Ex.2: Read and correct the underline words: 1- We read books in the supermarket. library (………………….)
Ex.2: Read and correct the underline words: 2- Mum works at the bank, she is a doctor. hospital (………………….)
Ex.2: Read and correct the underline words: 3- My father buys newspaper from the post office. newsagent's (…………….…………….)
Ex.2: Read and correct the underline words: 4- I'll go with my friends to the hospital, we need to drink some coffee. cafe (………….)
Ex.2: Read and correct the underline words: 5- He is skateboarding with his friends in the shopping centre. skatepark (…………….……….)
exercise 3
Ex.3: Complete the words with the right letters: Ho pit l s a … …
Ex.3: Complete the words with the right letters: Po t of ic f e … … …
Ex.3: Complete the words with the right letters: N ws gen ’s e a t … … …
exercise 4
* Choose the correct answer : 1- We go to the ____________ to get or put money. a- bank c- skatepark b- supermarket d- Hospital
* Choose the correct answer : 3- My father always drinks coffee from the__________ a- newsagent's c- café b- bookshop d- shopping Centre
* Choose the correct answer : 4- A ____________ is a place where you to read books . a- library c- café b- bookshop d- newsagent's
* Choose the correct answer : 5- My father is a doctor, he works at a _______________. a- supermarket c- library b- café d- hospital
exercise 5
favour Ex.1: Fill in the blanks with: (need – busy – far – remember – favour) favour 1- Faiz! Can you make me a ------------------?
busy Ex.1: Fill in the blanks with: (need – busy – far – remember – favour) busy 2- Sorry, I can't help you now, I'm very ------------------.
need Ex.1: Fill in the blanks with: (need – busy – far – remember – favour) need 3- Can you go to the supermarket? – Yes, but is it -----------?
far Ex.1: Fill in the blanks with: (need – busy – far – remember – favour) far 4- You can use computer to ------------------, you can be a designer.
remember Ex.1: Fill in the blanks with: (need – busy – far – remember – favour) remember 5- Can you ------------------Hani? He was in our school last year.
exercise 6
Ex.2: Finish the following dialogue with the correct answers: favour Mother: Ali can you do me a (1)…………… ? Ali: sure: what? Mother: can you take these books to the (2)…………. ? I'm very (3)…………. . Ali: ok, but is the library very (4)…………… from here? Mother: No, it isn't far. Library busy far
exercise 7
Ex.3: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c: 1- Mona went to the …………… to send a letter. a- library b- bookshop c- post office
Ex.3: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c: 2- Ahmed go to the …………… to read new books. a- library b- supermarket c- skatepark
Ex.3: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c: 4- My sister buys newspaper from the ……………. a- newsagent's b- skatepark c- café
Ex.3: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c: 5- Let's go to the ……………, I need to drink some coffee. a- post office b- café c- bookshop
Ex.3: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c: 3- My brother works at the ……………, He is a doctor. a- bank b- hospital c- café
exercise 8
Write the missing letters: o i t 1- I went to the p _ st off _ce to send a le _ ter.
Write the missing letters: 2- Ahmed and Ali always go to the _ katepa _ k to play with their ska _ ebo _ rds. t a
Write the missing letters: b 3- My father goes every Tue _ day to put money in the _ ank.
Write the missing letters: k k o 4- After we bought some boo _ s from the boo _ sh _ p, we went to drink coffee in the ca _ é. f
Write the missing letters: b o 5- Khadeja always goes to the li _ rary to read some b _ oks.
exercise 9
Write the word under its picture: Skatepark Library Hospital Bookshop Newsagent Café Bank
Bank ……………….………….. Bookshop ……………….…………..
Café ……………….………….. Hospital ……………….…………..
Library ……………….………….. Newsagent ……………….…………..
Skate park ……………….…………..
F B 1 Module 4 L. 4c My neighborhood 3.Grammar..
Personal Pronouns Usage It It We use personal pronouns to avoid repeating nouns. Usage Subject pronouns Object pronouns I Me You You He Him Her She It It We Us They Them
Example :- 1 2 She is in Jeddah. 3 Send her my love. 4 Where is your mother? 2 She is in Jeddah. 3 Send her my love. 4 Ahmed must be thirsty. Give him some water.
Exercise 1 Rewrite the underlined parts using ME, HIM, HER, THEM, US, IT: There are some books on the desk. Look at these books. …………………………………………………………………………… 2. She is turning the radio on. 3. The teacher is asking Jane a question. 4. Take your shoes off. There are some books on the desk. Look at them She is turning it on The teacher is asking her a question Take them off.
5. The man is looking at Ali and me. ……………………………………… 6. Jim is giving his father some tea. …………………………………………………………………… 7. This is the dog’s meat. Give the meat to the dog. 8. Is Tom eating any oranges? ……………………?…………………………………………… 9. Give the milk to that cat. ……………………………………………………………… 10. Could you pass the salt to your mother? The man is looking at us Jim is giving him some tea This is the dog’s meat. Give the meat to it Is Tom eating them Give it to it Could you pass it to her
Choose the correct answers: Exercise 2 Choose the correct answers: We / Us met Sally yesterday afternoon. She / Her came to the cinema with we / us. I phoned Sarah last night and gave she / her the message. My brother is older than I / me, but he / him isn’t as tall as I / me am. “Who wants a cup of coffee?” “I / Me.” A: Have you seen Simon today?” B: Yes. I / Me saw he / him this morning. He / Him was going to the swimming pool. 6. A: What did those people want? B: They / Them asked I / me to help they / them.
Exercise 3 Complete the sentences using the pronouns in the box: I you he she it we they me you him her it us them we Fahd and I are going out this evening . …………..’re going to the mall . Would you like to come with …………… ? us them 2. Where are my keys? I put ………….. on the table a moment ago, but now …………’ve disappeared. they It 3. ………….’s usually quite cold in New York in the winter.
I I Exercise 4 I you he she it we they me you him her it us them it it 4. A: What did you think of the program , Simon? B: …………. enjoyed ………… very much. I it 5. ……………’s strange that Kate didn’t come to the meeting. it 6. A: What do the government plan to do about education? B: …………. say that ………..’re going to build more schools. They They They 7. ……… aren’t allowed to drive a car in Britain until ………….’re 17 years old. They you 8. If you have any problems, just tell someone and they’ll help ………… . it 9. How far is …………… from Madrid to Paris? She I 10. My sister and I are quite different. ………….’s much more serious than ………… am.
Exercise 5 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues: A) Heba: Where's your sister? Ahmed: She is over there. Can you see ------------------? her he B) Dina: Dad is on the phone, ----------------- wants to talk to you. Adel: Ok, give me the phone.
Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns: it her it Look at this dress, ------------------is very nice. Ahmed is over there, Can't you see ------------------? Sara is here and she wants to see ------------------. Fatima is a nice girl. Do you like ------------------? This T-shirt is very cool, I want to buy ------------------. it him you her it
Exercise 7 What would you say in the following situations? A) Heba: Can I use your pencil? You: Of course, you can B) Dina: Can I look at your book? You: Sure, no problem C) Ghada: Can you make me a favour? You: Of course D) Faiz: Can I see you tonight? You: I don't think that's a good idea. E) Mum: Can you go to the supermarket? You: Yes, I can
F B 1 Module 4 L. 4c My neighborhood
Exercises Fill in the blanks with: (can – can't): can't can can't can 1. I ------------------ go to the library, I'm so busy. 2. ------------------ I us your phone? 3. Sorry, I ------------------ give you my pencil, I'm writing now. 4. I need a bottle of milk, ------------------ you go to the supermarket? 5. Can I use your computer? – No, you ------------------. can can't can can't
Finish the following dialogue: Faiz: Excuse me, Ghaly . Ghaly: yes, Faiz …………… I help you ? Faiz: I need a book . ……………. you go to the library ? Ghaly: sorry , I ……………. . I'm tired . Faiz: ok , no ……………. . can can can't problem
Read and match: (A) (B) 1-Can you go to the book shop? a) I'm writing now. 2-I'm afraid I can't help you, b) Of course, you can use it. c) Yes, I can go 3-Can I use your mobile? 4-Can you give me your game? d) I'm very busy now. 5- I can't give you my pen e) No, I can't. I'm playing now.
5-listen Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Can Mum: Nadia, …………… you make dinner? Nadia: I’m afraid ……………. I’m …………… right now. Sorry. Mum: OK. Nadia: But, I …………… do the washing-up later. Is that OK, Mum? Mum: Sure. Thanks. not busy Can
Finish the following dialogue: Dad: Faisal, ……………you go to the post office for me? Faisal: …………….. Can I go to the bookshop, too? Dad: No, you ……………. and don’t be late! Faisal: ……………. Can Sure can't OK Punctuate the following sentence: fatima can you make me a favour …………………………………. Fatima , Can you make me a favour ?
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