Welcome to Mindflash! We’d like to help you get your course started Not a PowerPoint wizard? Simply add your own content to this blank template, save and upload it to your Mindflash account. Then you can add quizzes, surveys, and downloadable handouts. Check out the resources listed on the next page for tips on using some advanced PowerPoint features. Want to see a completed course… As a trainer would? Log into your account and click on “Free courses and templates”. Click to add a free Time Management course and get access to the files and quizzes we used to create this free course. As a trainee would? Click on any of the sample courses listed on www.Mindflash.com
PowerPoint Resources When you’re ready for more advanced features Help for PC Users How to record audio on your slides. How to insert audio files on your slides. How add videos to your slides.. How to add animation to your slides. Help for Mac Users How add videos to your slides.
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