European Commission DG Environment


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission DG Environment Preparation of the EC report on groundwater threshold values Balázs Horváth European Commission DG Environment Meeting of the Strategic Co-ordination Group for the WFD Common Implementation Strategy Brussels, 5-6 November 2008

Groundwater threshold values GWD Article 3.5: The deadline for the first determination of groundwater threshold values (GW TVs) by Member States is 22 December 2008 In principle Article 3.5 GWD requires the publishing of TVs and a summary of information set out in Annex II Part C of the GWD in first the river basin management plans (RBMP) which means that the reporting obligation is linked to RBMP reporting by 22 December 2009

Commission report on GW TVs GWD Article 3.7: Commission report on threshold values should be published by 22 December 2009 ↓ reporting of TVs via the RBMP is too late for the preparation of the Commission report an earlier data collection is needed → questionnaire from COM to be sent to Water Directors. WG C members should work together with colleagues responsible for national reporting

Content of the report Overview of substances concentrations and levels (GWB, RBD, national part of international RBD, Members State level) for which threshold values have been established by EU Member States, Summary of the way the procedure set out in Annex II Part A of the GWD has been followed to derive TVs, Summary of the relationship between TVs and background levels for naturally occurring substances, Summary of the relationship between TVs and environmental quality objectives and other standards for water protection that exist at national, Community or international level.

Planned deadlines Preparation of the questionnaire including consultation with WG C: January 2009 Distribution of the questionnaire: early February 2009 Deadline for answers: mid-March 2009 (6 weeks)

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