English Reformation Tudor England.


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Presentation transcript:

English Reformation Tudor England

I. Tudor England a. Tudor line of Succession a. Henry VII (1485-1509) b. Henry VIII (1509-1547) c. Edward VI (1547-1553) d. Mary I (1553-1558) e. Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

b. Henry VII -Brought peace to England after they were involved in wars 100 years war against the French English Civil War known as the War of the Roses (York’s v Lancaster’s) York Tudor Lancaster -Lower and middle class supported Henry VII -Saved $ and gave it to son when he would become king

c. Arranged marriage -Henry VII’s oldest son, Arthur married Catherine of Aragon (Ferdinand and Isabelle’s daughter). -But Arthur died -Henry VIII was now the next to take over and was pressured by father’s executors to marry Catherine of Aragon (his dead brother’s wife) They needed to cement the Spain-England alliance & the contract was already signed. -Church law forbade this but Henry VII asked the Pope and he granted it.

d. Henry VIII VIDEO -Took over the monarchy when he was 18 years old and married Catherine of Aragon whom was 5 years older then him. -Henry VIII was a Renaissance Man: Well-rounded; played tennis, writer, student, hunter, dancer, music (lute), songs, astronomy—used to wake up his friend Sir Thomas More to watch the stars. -Also big on religion, wrote an article attacking Martin Luther— A defense of the Seven Sacraments.

e. Problem with the Marriage Catherine and Henry were married for 10 years before problems arose The alliance between Spain and England became less popular. 2. Henry wanted a male heir (successor) At this time a women didn’t rule alone. They did have six children but only one lived & that was Mary. They were not even sure if she was going to survive.

g. Henry needs a way out: Divorce f. Anne Boleyn Henry was having an affair w/ Anne Boleyn (20 years old) She wanted to be Queen. If Henry had a son while not being married to, the mother then that would not count for a successor. Henry needed to get a divorce. g. Henry needs a way out: Divorce Henry was in his 30’s and Catherine was in her 40’s. Henry was haunted by a line in the Bible that stated; if you marry your dead brother’s wife you would die childless. – Leviticus 20:21 The Pope, Clement VII, delayed the decision (wanted to say no but was buying time).

h. Forcing the Pope’s decision Pope did this because: a. Martin Luther was a bigger concern. b. Catherine of Aragon was the aunt of Charles V the HRE. Pope delays the final decision and Henry grows impatient. h. Forcing the Pope’s decision Henry wanted the Pope to declare the marriage annulled and that would make Mary illegitimate Laws passed allowing Henry to cut taxes owed to Rome if Pope did not grant the divorce 2. Archbishop died & Henry named a new one (Thomas Cranmer) & he grants the divorce. 3. Fined the English Clergy unless they recognized them as the head of the Church of England.

i. New Marriage People opposed to this, because they liked Catherine. Henry married Anne in May of 1533 and she gives birth in September of 1533. Problem---it was another girl, Elizabeth People like Thomas More are killed for opposing marriage Pope excommunicated Henry VIII

J. Revenge by Henry Passed laws: 1. Made his divorce legal 2. Closed monasteries and took church lands and sold them 3. Act of Supremacy—New Church of England (Anglican Church) In order to get a government job you had to accept the marriage, which in turn accepted Henry as the head of the church New Church of England was the same as the previous Catholic Church. Except: Church service and Bible were now in English. The King was now the head of the Church not the Pope.

k. Did Henry VIII ever get that boy? 1534, Act of Succession was passed and it stated that all children under Anne would be the next monarchs. This made Mary illegitimate. Henry VIII Six Wives 1. Catherine of Aragon Catherine of Aragon gave birth to six children. Only Mary lived. Later, Mary became known as Mary I.

2. Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn gave birth to Elizabeth, later known as Elizabeth I. She was accused of adultery (not true) and beheaded. Back

3. Jane Seymour Jane Seymour gave birth to Edward (very sickly), later known as Edward VI. Jane died in child birth. Back

4. Anne of Cleves Back Was supposed to create an alliance with Germany Shown a portrait that was inaccurate Divorced her right away because she was ugly Given land & $ to leave the marriage Back

5. Katherine Howard Katherine Howard was accused of cheating on Henry VIII and was put to beheaded. She had no children. Back

6. Katherine Paar Katherine Paar was Henry's last wife. Katherine outlived Henry. She was more of a nurse than a wife. She was in love with Thomas Seymour. Back

II. The Rest of the Tudors a. Edward VI Took over when he was around 9 years old. (16 Regency Rule, the top one being Jane Seymour’s brother, the Duke of Summerset (Edward Seymour) Under his reign the Church of England becomes more Protestant (the Book of Common Prayer) Economy falls Dies 6 years later of TB, and he had no kids.

b. Mary I People cheered when Mary came to the throne, she thought it was because she was Catholic ---but it was because she was a Tudor. Devout Catholic and tries to change the Church back. People did not want that. She tortured and burned about 300 Protestants at the stake & earned the nickname of Bloody Mary. Died of Cancer leaving her half-sister Elizabeth to take over the throne. During her reign, many people fled England She wanted to repeal the Act of Supremacy and have church lands returned. She was married to Philip II of Spain.

Bloody Mary

Council of Trent 1545 Council reaffirmed the traditional Catholic views that Protestants had challenged According to the council, the Bible, while major source of religious truth, is not the only source

The Church of England Elizabeth I was determined to return the kingdom to Protestantism. In 1559, Parliament set up the Church of England, or Anglican Church. Page 494 & 500 quizzes