Student Information System (SIS) Report Presentation to the UTFAB October 17, 2017 Bob Engmark, Director, Information Systems Chris Seng, Director, Office of the Registrar Good afternoon, thank you for the opportunity to present about the student information system project. This system is part of core IT infrastructure used by administrative and academic departments. My name is chris seng and I am part of the Divison of Enrollment and Access, Dept head of the Office of the Registrar I have been part of the SIS team since the inception in 2004. We’ve had a long partnership with this committee 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation The SIS Serves… Students (33,500+) Faculty, advisors, staff (6,000+) Applicants (30,000+) Alumni (all) FAMweb delegated access (20,000+) SIS is there for all students, incoming, former, current, many faculty and staff, and delegated access to families and others via famweb which you control. 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation BANNER This diagram will show you some of the connections between Banner and other systems, and also your interactions form RAMweb. 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
Magnitude of the SIS – AY 16/17 Financial Aid - $310M RAMweb logins – 3.7M Tuition and Fee Assessment - $536M Transcripts Produced – 29,899 Degree Audits run – 167,707 Graduation Contracts – 6,330 College transcripts received and reviewed – 16,976 Grades collected – 301,191 Course sections managed – 18,394 We have this very large system, which is really many systems bound together, to provide supports/service for: Benefits are to many Direct student use Quantative usage 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation Peak usage 9-10 am 11-12 a dip during eclipse 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation Fall 2017 first day of term Tremendously quiet start “Eclipsed” 55,000 logins 197,433 RAMweb main page views Peak activity at 10am, then dip from 11-12 The result of the efforts over the past 9 months result in a very successful launch of the fall term. 18 different browers and many browers versions 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
Last 6 months of work completed RAMweb and RamRecords Design updated to latest CSU graphic standards ASCSU Elections Registration SSB – improved student experience – feedback from students has been excellent Repeat/Delete online (~1600/semester) Graduation contracts in RAMweb, huge paper savings Conversion of RamRecords to RAMweb codebase and UI Social Media login in RamRecords College Transcripts workflow from Admissions to Registrar Daily staff time saved of 2 hours, double work eliminated Semester At Sea data integration enhancements with Banner Web registration Repeat/delete – paper process to online Graduation contracts – paper to online, 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation More completed… System Upgrades Degree audit (U.Achieve and Numerous Banner 8 versions System Conversions Office of International Programs conversion to Sunapsis RamMobile upgrade to new platform eTranscript Software conversion to RoboRegistrar/Transcripts Plus Faculty Grade Entry – improved functionality for Faculty 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation What’s next? Banner “9” upgrade All hands on deck, big effort, Project Team Admissions, Financial Aid, Business and Financial, Graduate School, Student Achievement, International Programs, ACNS, Information Systems, Registrar, Institutional Research, CSU Online Project Managers and Team assigned Banner 8 de-supported Dec 2018 Many modules to upgrade Install, test, validate, move to production, repeat with next module Course Catalog, Class Schedule, Person, Bio, Demo, Admissions, Student, Fin Aid, Receivables, Transfer, Graduation, Graduate, BDMS, ODS, BW… Academic Departments ACNS Admissions Business and Financial Services Collaborative for Student Achievement CSU Online Financial Aid Graduate School Health Network Housing & Dining Services Information Systems Registrar’s Office 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB FY 18 SIS Project Funding FY18 Total Budget $1,824,685 (UTFAB + Univ match + I.S. support) FY18 UTFAB Support $742,418 University matches UTFAB support and more The current fiscal year, UTFAB support match 2 to 1. 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation Projected SIS Budget 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation Partnership Collaboration with UTFAB began in 2004 Project includes software and staff Meets UTFAB funding criteria We appreciate your continued support of the project Student support original impetus for project SIS is critical core infrastructure Systems are performing exceptionally well We, utfab and csu, colab began in 2004. Some of us were here then. Your funding supports hardware, software and staffing, systems and databases We truly appreciate your support and do our best to utilize the funds for your benefit. 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB Funding Criteria 1. Benefit as many students as possible All students at CSU are benefiting. 2. Ability to effectively utilize the fee Your decision. 3. Not funded by CFT Check. 4. Adherence to budget and accountability 5. Potential for direct student use Absolutely. 6. Effort, thought & clarity in the plan 7. Quantitative usage data Several examples 8. Financial co-sponsorship 60% of total funded by the University. 9. Central/distributed balance 10. Cost/benefit ratio We believe we meet many of the funding criteria components. 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation
UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation Questions… are most welcome. Thank You! Contact: Office of the Registrar, Centennial Hall 10/03/2018 UTFAB SIS Fall 2018 Presentation