Final exam review About the Final: 42 Multiple Choice Questions Normal class length to complete May 9 – Periods 1, 3, 7 May 10 – Periods 2, 4, 6 Specific literature knowledge not required
Final exam review Grading: Grading will be based on number correct out of total questions That percentage will then be translated to proportional number out of 30 pts (gradebook value)
Review in 3 Parts: Group Review New Info Kahoot Review Final exam review Review in 3 Parts: Group Review New Info Kahoot Review
1. What is an allegory? What purpose does it serve? Group review 1. What is an allegory? What purpose does it serve?
Group review 2. How does a theme serve an author’s purpose? How is it different from a central idea?
Group review 3. If you are using biographical criticism, what source are you using to interpret the text?
4. What are the characteristics of an epic? Group review 4. What are the characteristics of an epic?
Group review 5. What qualities would Anglo-Saxons look admire in their people? (think Beowulf)
6. What elements do many Victorian novels/stories have in common? Group review 6. What elements do many Victorian novels/stories have in common?
7. Describe the speaker of a poem? Group review 7. Describe the speaker of a poem?
Group review 8. Give examples of topics that would be suitable for a college application essay?
Active Vs. Passive Voice New info (maybe) Active Vs. Passive Voice When writing, the decision of whether the subject is doing or receiving the action of the verb.
Active Voice The dog bit the man. The dog is the one doing the biting. New info (maybe) Active Voice The dog bit the man. The dog is the one doing the biting.
New info (maybe) Passive Voice The man was bitten by the dog. The man is the on the receiving end of the biting. Notice too that passive voice is in past tense.
New info (maybe) Active or Passive? The barn was built by friends of mine. The interviewer asked difficult questions. The usher warned the noisy group.