The Continuing Historical Effort to Improve Education Chapter 8
The Changing Aims of Education Committee of Ten (1892)…high schools should be grades 7-12, sequential courses, very few electives, Carnegie units…college preparatory Seven Cardinal Principles (1918)…students should receive education in health, command of fundamental processes, worthy home membership, vocation, civic education, worthy use of leisure, ethical character
The Development of the Teaching Profession Increasing complexity of the educational enterprise…especially since WWII…increasing federal involvement G I Bill National Science Foundation Categorical Federal Aid Struggle for Equal Educational Opportunity No Child Left Behind
Teachers Colonial Teachers Teachers as Indentured Servants Teaching Apprenticeships Teacher Training in Academies Normal Schools State Teachers’ Colleges
Recent Trends in Education Major changes from John Dewey, George Counts, William Bagley, Lewis Terman and other intellectuals to Abraham Maslow, Benjamin Bloom, Jerome Bruner, Marshall McLuhan, Jean Piaget Analysis of Teaching, Teacher Effectiveness, Sociological Study, Study of the Learning Process